We scoped out undeclared freshman Mike Southworth in a Hillary shirt for Saturday’s Clinton rally.
Wildcat: Hi, you’re on the spot. What do you think about Ross Perot’s unsuccessful bid at the White House in ’92?
Southworth: I think that it’s good that he’s in the campaign because in our country, it’s showing that everyone can get a vote. But I think that once it gets down to the general election that he’s essentially taking away votes from either of the other candidates. But, in a democracy we have to let everyone equally run for it.
W: What about John Anderson’s bid? Same thing?
S: I don’t know who that is.
W: Oh, he ran in the ’80s. He was just a pivotal figure.
S: It’s the same thing. It’s a democracy so it’s good that they’re allowed to be in there, but I think once it gets down to the general election, they’re stealing away votes.
W: Who was your favorite president before 1800?
S: George Washington?
W: Why?
S: It was just symbolic because he was the first president of the U.S.
W: Do you think Hillary could be in a sense, the first president?
S: Yeah.
W: If Hillary’s elected, how do you expect her to court the leprosy vote?
S: What do you mean by that?
W: Because they’re a minority and they’re not really noticed in general elections and no one really talks about it. I’m just trying to bring up different issues that other people haven’t talked about.
S: What is leprosy?
W: It’s just a skin disease.
S: I’m sure she would support rights for them or finding cures. Just like anything else.
W: Who has a better nose? Obama or Hillary?
S: Hillary.
W: What Republican has the best nose?
S: Mitt Romney?
W: Why?
S: He’s the least ugly out of all the candidates. He’s the youngest.
W: What’s your favorite kind of sandwich?
S: Club sandwich.
– Andi Berlin