Health doesn’t always come first in college so The Daily Wildcat has got you covered. Learn different tips on how to keep your body happy. We have your next workout playlist, some detox recipes and tips, a list of programs the UA offers that support wellness and much more.
Stay healthy and exercise cortisol control
Consider alternative medicine to get through cold and flu season
Athletic training technicians support athletes on and off the field
After a day of class, working and home-working, the last thing students want to do is exert their already minuscule supply of energy running on one of the Rec’s treadmills. Morale is low, yes, but not all hope is lost; music can help alleviate your exercise woes. Jam to this playlist to pump yourself up during that 9 p.m. workout you’ve been dreading since noon:
Is the Freshman 15 myth or fact?
Review: Most Rec group fitness classes are worhwhile
Two days without caffeine was actual hell
Breathe in, juice cleanse, and detox
Health and wellness for all, how a UA program offers health services for students and faculty in more ways than one
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