Ari Wasserman/Assistant Sports Editor
Another Zona Zoo event came and went on Friday before the volleyball game, but the question is, did anyone notice?
Despite the fact that the Zona Zoo pass is good for more than football tickets and the chance at basketball seats, for whatever reason, students often don’t respond to smaller sporting events.
That was certainly the case at Friday’s “”Zona Zoo Kickoff Event”” which about 30 students attended, according to Zona Zoo director Michael Huston.
This year Zona Zoo is making a greater effort to put on programs and events for the students, but Huston said this isn’t in direct response to the recent 71 percent price increase.
“”We want Zona Zoo to be an excellent program all the time,”” he said. “”We are going to try to put on excellent programming every year. This is one of the new events this year, and we are happy that students are excited about it.””
Despite the appeal of free food and drink, as well as guest appearances by men’s basketball guard David Bagga and members of the women’s basketball team, attendance was lacking.
Still, sophomore T.D. Davis said he felt the actual event was pretty good.
“”I thought there would be more people,”” Davis said, “”but for what it is, I thought it was awesome.””
Bagga said that although the attendance could have been better, he appreciated even the small turnout.
“”The more and more people that show up, the more successful it is going to be,”” he said.
Although football and basketball may be the most popular sports, the Zona Zoo pass isn’t restricted to just them.
That brings us back to the original question.
Why don’t students care about small-sport Zona Zoo events?