Bruised and bloody
University of Arizona Police Department officers responded when a resident assistant from Colonia de la Paz Residence Hall witnessed a male student punch a window at 12:07 a.m. on Sunday. As they approached, UAPD officers noticed that the closer they got to the building, the more blood there was on the ground.
The man’s door was open, so officers looked inside the room. The glass window had been broken and there was a hole in the wall. There was also a nearly finished bottle of vodka in the room.The RA gave the officers the contact information of the two residents who lived in the room. There were blood smears on shattered pieces of glass as well as on the room’s door and walls. Officers called maintenance to clean up the blood.
Officers called one of the students who lived in the dorm room, and the student answered. He told them that he was OK, saying, “I have just had a rough couple of weeks.” He also told the officers that he was on his way to the emergency room because he punched the dorm wall and window.
Officers asked where the student was at the moment and he told them he was in the parking lot of McDonald’s on Speedway Boulevard and had not yet reached the University of Arizona Medical Center. Officers drove there and noticed that there was a small puddle of blood next to the student. Officers called paramedics to come and evaluate his hand. As they waited, the student apologized for the damages he caused to the dorm room. As he spoke, officers noted the smell of alcohol coming from his breath.
Police cited the man for minor in possession of alcohol in body and criminal damage. The officers asked if the bottle of vodka in his room was his. The student told them that it was not and he did not know whose it was.
Slow sippin’
A librarian in the Manuel T. Pacheco Integrated Learning Center called UAPD to report a student possibly drinking alcohol in the center at 7:37 p.m. on Sunday. Officers arrived at the ILC and asked the student for some identification, if he had been drinking and why his lips were stained so blue and purple. The student tried to start making random conversation and using his hands to speak. As the student raised his hands, an officer noticed a can of Four Loko in his sweater. Officers asked what he had underneath his sweater, and the student showed them a raspberry lemonade Four Loko.
The officers then asked the student to exit the library so they could speak with him. They told him that it was illegal to drink in public and in the school library. He replied, “I am sorry; I just didn’t want to throw away a Four Loko and waste the alcohol. I was only sipping from the can slowly.”
The student was cited for drinking in public and was told not to come back to the library for the remainder of the night.
Suspended driving
A Dodge Avenger was traveling southbound on Highland Avenue when officers pulled the vehicle over for stopping without notice in the middle of the street. The student driving the vehicle asked what the problem was and officers told him. They asked for his driver’s license and registration, and saw that his license had been suspended.
The student and his girlfriend were asked to step out of the car. The officers searched the car and found a nearly empty bottle of Moscato sparkling wine at the foot of the passenger seat. In the backseat of the car, the officers found pineapple juice and vodka mixed in a blue cup. The passenger admitted to drinking and was cited for a minor in possession of alcohol in body. The driver was arrested for driving with a suspended license and his car was impounded.