The UA Faculty Senate will meet for the first time this semester today from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
During the meeting, the Undergraduate Council will ask the Faculty Senate to approve an amendment to final exam regulations. The proposed amendment would require that instructors of online classes offered during a regular semester give their final exam during the last exam period on the last day of final exam week or allow the exam to be taken at the student’s convenience any time during final exam week.
The rationale for the change is that instructors of online classes requested a specific time period for their final exams. The Office of the Registrar suggested the last period of the last day of final exam week because few exams are scheduled during that period.
The Undergraduate, Graduate and Academic Deans councils have already approved the proposed amendment. The amendment has also been approved via Administrative Review.
There are currently no regulations regarding final exams of UA online classes.
The Faculty Senate will also discuss their views on the Incentive Program for Voluntary Retirement, which offers eligible employees a year’s salary if they choose to retire at the end of the academic year or summer session. The program will be offered beginning Jan. 28 and end on March 18.
The Faculty Senate will also be addressing the University Assessment Model, Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics National Conference, strategic planning and faculty roles in strategic planning.