If Tea Party sits down, who will stand up?
If the original Tea Party had taken Joshua Segall’s advice to “back away from the spotlight,” the American Revolution would never have happened. He denigrates Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann for “verbal slip-ups” and “blatant lack of knowledge on popular issues.”
Why won’t he apply those same standards to President (Barack) Obama, who has said we have 57 states and insults our military by not being able to correctly pronounce “corpsmen?” He pings on Michele Bachmann for “crediting herself with things she has done and lacks solutions to the problems we face today.” And we know what happens when the Teleprompter-in-Chief tries to speak without one.
Compared to our megalomaniac President, Michele Bachmann is the most humble person on earth. Barack Obama was handed the Nobel Prize after just eight months in office, and was egotistical enough to actually accept it. For doing what? He took credit for bagging Osama bin Laden, when all he did was say “go.” And speaking of lacking solutions to the problems we face today, I’d ask Mr. Segall to name one area of our economy, government or society that is measurably better off than before Barack Obama took office.
Mr. Segall correctly identifies the Tea Party’s key principles: fiscal responsibility, limited government and free markets, all of which Barack Obama has demonstrated opposition to throughout his term. If the Tea Party backs off, who’s going to pick up the battle cry?
_— Dana Cooper
Account Executive, Arizona Sports Marketing_