Fannie and Freddie go to Washington When the federal government decided to bail out the nation’s two mortgage finance giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the economy itself seemed to heave a sigh of relief. Stocks were soaring Monday morning, and the takeover seemedassurance enough that the government doesn’t plan to stand by and let the economy – hobbled by a weak housing market and a foreclosure trend so bad that nearly 102,000 homeowners lost their homes in August – sink into another depression. For finally taking steps to clean up the mess they helped make, the federal government gets a tentative Pass.
Wildcat gets stung by BeeWhen the Daily Wildcat covered Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ Wednesday visit to the UA Young Democrats, we were called out for not giving equal time to rival candidate Tim Bee’s talk with the UA College Republicans the previous day. We don’t apologize for running Giffords’ appearance on the front page; a visiting congresswoman is more newsworthy than a visiting state senator. But failing to mention Bee at all was an inexcusable, if inadvertent, breach of the principle of objective journalism. For failing to give our readers both sides of the story, we award the Daily Wildcat a penitent Fail.
Bearing down Head coach Mike Stoops can be proud. First, despite a steady drizzle in the game’s first half, his football team clobbered Idaho 70-0 on Aug. 31, its first shutout in 12 years. Then, thanks in large part to starting running back Nic Grigsby’s terrific performance on the field Saturday night, the Wildcats beat Toledo 41-16. For putting a much-needed Monday-morning grin on all our faces, Stoops and the Wildcats get a grateful Pass.
Odd man outMissing from Saturday’s triumph was starting wide receiver Terrell Reese, who had been suspended for missing class one too many times. As if that weren’t enough, head coach Mike Stoops announced that Reese would be suspended indefinitely after being arrested on charges of suspicion of DUI Friday night. We will withhold judgment on this; getting arrested for something is no guarantee of guilt. But Reese deserves a Fail anyway for slacking in his academic duties and putting a downer on an otherwise glorious winning streak.
– Editorials are determined by the Daily Wildcat opinions board and written by one of its members. They are Andi Berlin, Justyn Dillingham, Lauren LePage, Lance Madden and Nickolas Seibel.