Maimoonah Naji
Students study at the Scented Leaf in Tucson, Arizona. on Wednesdsy, Aug. 24. Art History major Halley Becker (back left) and neuroscience major Jessica Bruster (back right) are regulars at The Scented Leaf because of the relaxed atmosphere.
Settling into the first week on campus is a very exciting experience. New students move into their new dorms, campus enlivens with mass groups of people, partying ensue and new friendships begin to grow. Despite all of this excitement, it can sometimes be hard to get away from all the noise and commotion to just find a quiet, chill place to study.
When it comes to finding niches on campus to get away, unpopulated spots can be hard to come by. Subsequently, alone time is something much needed, but oftentimes unattainable in a dorm setting.
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One place to get your much-needed alone time is the Historic District located on campus. Surrounded by regal brick buildings and trees, the Historic District boasts buildings and landscapes dating back from 1891 to 1937.
“The Historic District is my favorite place to study at the UA because it is the one spot on campus that is filled with nature,” said junior Briana Sandoval, an English major. Likewise, the Historic District is the perfect escape to find some peace and quiet. Just take a seat against a tree near the shaded fish pond and crack open those books.
If you are someone who likes to lay by the pool while they read, the University Recreation Center is the perfect place study. Just spread out in one of the many lawn chairs set out on the pool deck and get to work.
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“The pool is my favorite place on campus to just come and relax after a long day at school,” said psychology senior Michael Burstein. “It’s a great place to meet up with friends and to get out of the heat.”
Some students need complete and utter silence when they study, though. For these focused individuals, both the Main Library and Science-Engineering Library offer fully equipped study rooms for any occasion.
“I study in the underground part of the library because usually it is not crowded and it has a newer feel to it,” said sophomore Isabel Lopez, an English major. “I like to study there because it’s quiet and the tables are big so I can sprawl my things everywhere, which I tend to do.”
One could argue that being surrounded by countless pieces of literature enhances the intake of knowledge, making anywhere in the library a perfect study spot.
Adding to the list, the Highland Bowl remains an essential chill study spot on campus. The Bowl is a giant, oval-shaped grass circle located near Highland Avenue. Many students have come to refer to the Highland Bowl as the Quidditch Field due to its resemblance to the field in the Harry Potter novels.
Often times, though, students will lay out on the grass with a book or kick a soccer ball around with a group of friends. Likewise, the Bowl rarely has many people in it, adding to its exclusivity. The students who come here enjoy the serenity of the trees and the peace and quiet the Bowl offers.
If calm vibes and a cup of tea is all you need to study, The Scented Leaf is a tea house located on University Boulevard — just a two-minute walk from campus .
Much like the quality of their tea, The Scented Leaf’s unique ambiance really builds upon the classic Starbucks study experience. Various artworks cover the tea house wall-to-wall and the air is heavy with the sweet smells of its numerous teas.
School will seem extremely stressful at times, but now you’ll know where to get away. So chill out, and get your study on.
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