Apologies simply aren’t what they used to be. An apology used to be sincere. An apology used to be productive, not merely another societal requirement forced upon the wrongdoer, rendering it ineffective, unnecessary and a waste of time.
If the one who committed the act, whether it is interrupting an innocent young singer in her shining moment or interrupting the president at a formal event, doesn’t feel the least bit of remorse for what he or she did, then the apology is nothing more than a con.
But it’s hardly a surprise given the values in which our country indulges — succulent scandal and unconstructive controversy.
Tila Tequila, Rock of Love with Bret Michaels, The Real World, Perez Hilton — need I say more? Yes? Well here are a few closer to home: The Dirty and the deceased JuicyCampus.
If this is the entertainment we demand, then this is what the attention seekers will supply; they’re very dependable in that way.
Within the last two weeks a handful of these attention seekers have provided us with this so-called entertainment.
Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C, heckled President Barack Obama, Serena Williams verbally attacked a referee and Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift’s first MTV Video Music Awards acceptance speech.
Though a seemingly random group, Wilson, Williams and West are intertwined in many ways: they all blamed their outbursts on irrepressible passion; they all gained attention and support from their tirades; and they all presented insincere apologies.
On Sept. 9, Wilson interrupted Obama’s speech explaining his health care reform bill to Congress, yelling, “”You lie!””
Though Wilson’s office issued an apology and Wilson called the White House, he makes clear in a promotional video (found on JoeWilsonForCongress.com) that his childish outcry was merely symbolic of his undying ardor for the truth.
“”On these issues, I will not be muzzled. I will speak up, and speak loudly, against this reckless plan,”” he declares in the video.
By recasting himself as the victim, Wilson has raised around $1 million since the incident, according to CBS News.
Williams lashed out at a line judge at the U.S. Open Sept. 12 for calling a foot fault on one of Williams’ serves.
Even as this outburst took place, among the boos were cheers supporting her inappropriate conduct.
According to the Los Angeles Times, it was only in Williams’ follow-up statement on Monday, two days later, that Williams issued an apology for her actions.
Williams said: “”I just really wanted to apologize sincerely, because I’m a very prideful person and I’m a very intense person and a very emotional person.””
But on Monday afternoon, Williams sported a T-shirt that read, “”Can I Get An Amen?”” seemingly in direct contrast to her supposedly heartfelt remorse.
West took it upon himself to reveal who he thought deserved to win Best Female Video at the VMAs Sept. 13. Swift stood awestruck with her first moon man in hand as West stole her microphone and her moment, explaining that Beyonce’s “”Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)”” video should have won.
West apologized to Swift via his blog saying that he was “”sooooo sorry to Taylor Swift and her fans and her mom,”” but he continues to repeat his opinion that “”Beyonce’s video was the best of this decade!””
Later in his blog he explains that when he believed that OutKast deserved an award he himself received, he gave OutKast his award.
However that logic doesn’t really apply — West gave his award away, Swift had hers stolen from her.
Perhaps rather than taking rash action requiring mea culpa, our nation should consider thinking before speaking.
However, with the acknowledgment that everyone makes mistakes, there is an alternative overture — only apologize if you are genuine and won’t contradict it later. An insincere apology merely adds insult to injury. — Rachel Leavitt is a creative writing sophomore. She can be reached at letters@wildcat.arizona.edu.