Click here to read more content from our 2018 Orientation Guide!
A – African American Student Affairs
One of the many cultural communities on campus is AASA. According to its website, the group’s mission is “to facilitate a support system that helps students achieve academic excellence and an enriching African American cultural experience at the University of Arizona.”
B – Building Leaders and Creating Knowledge
Better known by its acronym — B.L.A.C.K. — this is one of the University of Arizona’s themed communities. B.L.A.C.K. is committed to creating an environment grounded in leadership and learning about African American and Black culture.
C – Campus Pantry
The goal of UA Campus Pantry is to reduce food insecurity in the campus community. Located in the Student Union Memorial Center, just turn left at the information desk located next to the UMart, go down the stairs follow the signs for the UA Campus Pantry. Open Tuesdays 5 – 7 p.m. and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., all you need to do is bring your CatCard to prove you’re a student — but the service is anonymous, so no need to swipe your card or give your name.
D – Desire 2 Learn
The UA’s online student (and faculty) portal, this is where you’ll go to check your grades, print some readings off for class and turn in pretty much everything you’ll ever write in college. D2L is also great for getting in contact with your professors, student instructors and classmates.
E – Center for English as a Second Language

OK, so it doesn’t technically start with “E,” but close enough. Located just East of the Arizona History Museum, CESL has served the Tucson and UA communities for more than 50 years, and is home to the only Commission on English Language Program Accreditation in Arizona.
F – Family Weekend

This year’s iteration of the annual event will take place Oct. 3-5. Parents are encouraged to come to campus to meet with President Dr. Robert Robbins, attend the football game on Saturday against the California Golden Bears and hang out with their favorite Wildcat.
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G – Adalberto & Ana Guerrero Student Center

This student center offers multiple programs, like ‘Vivir Mexico!‘, throughout the Tucson community that aim to promote an inclusive campus environment while also preparing the next generation of students and educators.
H – Office of Housing and Residential Life

With nearly 80 percent of first-year students choosing to live on campus, Housing and Residential Life is responsible for making the dorms run. Your Resident Assistants and Community Directors all report back to this department.
I – Office of Institutional Equity

This office is responsible for enforcing Title IX compliance and the UA’s Non-discrimination and Anti-harassment policies. According to its website, the OIE “fosters equity and opportunity, strengthens relationships across diverse groups, and supports a campus culture of equality for all.”
J – Arizona Center for Judaic Studies
Founded on campus in 1975, this center offers different courses in Jewish history, culture and especially in languages, where it offers classes in Modern Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew and Classical Aramaic.
K – College of Engineering K-12 Resources
While not exactly geared toward current students, this outreach program — spearheaded by the College of Engineering — offers different courses and classes, such as this summer’s ENG 102 for high school students.
L – Office of LGBTQ Affairs

This office helps create safe spaces for students of all identities through social events and LGBTQ-centric programs. The center, located in the Student Union Memorial Center, serves as a meeting place for a wide range of LGBTQ+ clubs and organizations on campus.
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M – Meal Plans

Want to eat on campus? Don’t want to use your own cash flow? Convince your parents to save some money by enrolling you in one of three options: get three, five or seven percent off every food purchase on campus with a Wildcat Meal Plan.
N – Native American Student Affairs

A little-known fact: The UA sits on what was once native land, specifically Tohono O’odham and Pascua Yaqui. NASA’s mission is to provide “culturally sensitive academic counseling and support services to American Indian/Alaskan Native students,” according to its website.
O – Off Campus Housing Office
Don’t want to live on campus? Luckily, the UA has an entire office dedicated to helping you escape your freshman year dorm-mate. This office can help you find an apartment or house in your budget, and make sure you still have cash left over to pay for covered parking.
P – Parking and Transportation Services

Perhaps the hardest part about college? Finding parking. That’s where PTS comes in. Go here if you’re looking for a spot to park in one of UA’s eight parking garages and multiple zones. A personal tip from the author: Just get a parking pass. Don’t try and tailgate someone while leaving a parking garage. You’ll end up paying for a parking spot anyway.
Q – Queer Transgender People of Color
While not technically a club or office, this resource group is housed under the Office of LGBTQ Affairs. This past year, the group met at the Guerrero Student Center for meetings that focused on “peer to peer art and healing support group that provides a safe and comfortable environment for LGBTQ and Two Spirit students of color,” its website said.
R – Campus Recreation

Though you may think solely of the Campus Recreation Center south of Fifth Avenue as “Campus Recreation,” this department is so much more. From the weight-room and workout space under Bear Down Gym to all the intramural sports and classes offered, Campus Recreation is there to make sure you never skip leg day.
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S – SafeRide
Late night in the library and a long walk home? This free nighttime student service provides transportation to on-and-near campus locations. Check SafeRide’s website for updated service times and locations, call 520.621.7233 to schedule your ride and be ready with your Cat Card to skip the late-night walk.
T – Think Tank

With a staff of over 200 undergrads, graduate students and faculty members, Think Tank serves the tutoring needs of the general student population. While many services are offered for free, some individual sessions and group sessions do have a fee.
U – UAlert
This free service is available upon enrollment. If there is an emergency on campus, UAlert will then notify you (and your parents, if they want) via text message or email about what to expect and what to do next.
V – Veterans Education and Transition Services Center

For students who have served in the armed forces, the VETS program aims to provide assistance in transitioning from military to academic success.
W – Women’s Resource Center

Located on the fourth floor of the Student Union Memorial Center inside the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, the WRC’s mission is to “strive to create change on campus in response to sexism and misogyny, doing social justice work at the intersection of many identities,” according to the center’s website.
X – X-Ray (Campus Health Services)

Ok, so maybe an X-Ray isn’t a club or organization. But Campus Health Services, located just west of the Highland and Fifth Avenue intersection, does boast its own radiology unit. Plus, they might even give you a lollipop if you don’t say ouch.
RELATED: Making student engagement a priority
Y – Young Life College (and other religious resources)
There are over 40 religious and spiritual clubs and organizations here at the UA. Young Life College is a Christian club on campus that meets once a week to “figure out what it means to enjoy life, enjoy God, and to make real friends in the process.” There is also the Jewish Arizonans on Campus club, which offers “a home away from home for Jewish students,” the Muslim Students Association, which focuses on building relationships between all people and the Secular Student Alliance, the only officially recognized club for atheist and other nonreligious students.
Z – ZonaZoo

Don’t have a ticket to your favorite sporting event? Well, the ZonaZoo, recently voted the 2018 NCSSA Student Section of the Year, has you covered. With the addition of last year’s $100 athletic fee, all undergrad students are automatically admitted to all sports events except basketball and football.
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