Employment fair. The Wildcat Employment Fair allows students to gather information about on-campus jobs. This fair will focus on jobs for the summer and fall. There will be applications present. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free. Student Union Memorial Center, North Ballroom
Doctoral oral defense – medical pharmacology. Edita Navratilova presents “”Regulation of the Human Delta Opioid Receptor.”” 10 a.m. Free. Life Sciences North building, Room 452
Writing workshop. Joe Stefani presents “”Refining Your Paper: Revising for Content and Organization.”” This lecture is sponsored by the Writing Skills Improvement Program. 4 p.m. Free. Education building, Room 318
Film. “”T- Shirt Travels-Cast Offs for Africa”” is a documentary illustrating Third World debt and the history of colonialism in Africa. A discussion will follow that will be held by Johnny Bowens from the Africana Studies department. This film is being shown in conjunction with AFAS 300 “”Historical Overview of African Cinema and Filmmaking.”” If you are not enrolled in this class but would still like to attend the screening, call 621-5665. 5 p.m. Free. Integrated Learning Center, Room 141
Lecture. “”Global Warming: Global Climate Change and the Human Condition”” will be presented by Professor Emeritus Robert Strom of the department of planetary sciences and the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. 7:30 p.m. Free. Kuiper Space Sciences, Room 308.
Open mic night. Students will be given the opportunity to perform poetry, music or stand-up. Free espresso drinks will be offered by Common Grounds. If you’re interested in performing, e-mail Michelle at michellc@email.arizona.edu. 6 p.m. Free. SUMC, Cellar Lounge
Poker. UA students can compete in this No Limit Texas Hold ’em event. 6 p.m. $3. SUMC, Games Room
Pool tournament. UA students can compete in this pool tournament event. 6 p.m. $3. SUMC, Games Room