Next semester could prove more expensive for students, but Associated Students of the University of Arizona President Chris Nagata hopes to have a hand in making it less so.
“”We are all collectively facing increases to our cost of education,”” Nagata said. “”We’re in very peculiar times.””
Nagata and David Talenfeld, Graduate and Professional Student Council president, gave a presentation with the amounts of increased fees requested by several resource entities at the UA.
These entities include Campus Health Services, the Student Recreation Center, the library, Information Technology and campus sustainability.
The presentation also included separate requests for minimal decreases to these fees based on student feedback compiled through a variety of survey methods.
Campus Health and the Rec Center combined their requested fee to total $306. Nagata and Talenfeld proposed a $159 increase instead.
Information Technology requested a $300 fee, which is $215 more than the current fee. Nagata and Talenfeld proposed an increase of $125.
Approximately $100 of that fee would cover the costs of sustaining current student resources and the leftover $25 would be used to support the campus wireless system.
Nagata and Talenfeld noted that the wireless system will be paid off by fall 2010, allowing that money to be allocated for new projects.
The library they cut least, with only a $30 difference. The library asked for $150 and Nagata’s proposed fee amounts to $120.
Nagata and Talenfeld did not see the need to cut the requested amount asked for by the sustainability entity. Students do not currently pay a sustainability fee but in the fall could be asked to pay $25 per semester.
Other elements to Nagata and Talenfeld’s presentation included a request that students be informed and included in the fee increase process so that all requested fees maintain essential student services, Nagata said.
He also asked that the Student Advisory Board be utilized as a guide.
“”It’s not enough to just have (the Student Advisory Board) exist,”” he said.
Finally, Nagata suggested that all fees be prorated for part-time and distant learning students who do not have full access to university services and resources. Similar remissions should also be made for graduate and teaching assistants, according to Nagata.
ASUA senators did not react entirely favorably to Nagata and Talenfeld’s presentation, and some said they would have liked the opportunity to weigh in on the fee alterations.
“”I wish it had been presented (to us) before they sent the proposal out to let us lend our two cents,”” said Sen. Daniel Wallace. “”I don’t think that’s acceptable, it’s pretty ridiculous actually.””
Fees were not the only items discussed at last night’s meeting.
Sen. Tyler Quillin proposed a resolution in support of three legislative initiatives headed by the Arizona Student Association.
ASA has several projects in the works, including a common course numbering bill which, if passed, would cut down on the number of repeat classes transfer students have to take. This would save those students tuition money and time.
The next proposal is a work-study bill aimed at providing another source of financial aid to Arizona college students. If passed, the bill would provide students the opportunity to work in high-need fields such as science, technology, engineering and math, according to Elma Delic, ASA board chair.
The state currently has a federal work-study program but limits the amount of money available to students and does not provide as many desirable career opportunities, Delic said.
The last of the ASA initiatives is a voter access bill that may give students the same privileges university employees receive on voting days. If passed, students would receive time off from school to vote and not have to risk long polling lines or missing classes to cast their vote.
This bill was passed by the House education committee.
Finally, Sen. Katherine Weingartner plans to donate 75 specially made water bottles to the Salvation Army next week for Tucsonans in need.