UA a tribute to academic values
I did my undergraduate degree at the UA, and in light of my recent academic experiences at another institution which will remain nameless, I would just like to commend the UA for placing such a high priority on the values that make academia a haven for the creative and intellectual freedom that higher learning needs to be successful. At my current institution, there is a great deal of internal politics and fighting that goes on in the department in which I am studying. People backstab each other all the time, and the teachers are just as guilty as the students of this behavior.
I know this doesn’t exist at the UA, but can you just imagine teachers and students competing with each other in such a ferocious manner, especially considering we live in a world where we are no longer just competing with the schools in our region but rather the entire world? What benefit could possibly be gained from infighting when universities must unite and collectively compete in order to be successful in this new era of education? Why are professors so wrapped up in the personal lives of their students when they should be doing serious work to advance the reputation of the department and university? I always appreciated that this behavior never went on at the UA, and I would like to thank all the professors and students at the Eller College of Management for making this ideal a reality. While I am frustrated in my current setting due to all these childish problems, I can look to my past for the way things should be and the way I hope I can make things through my individual behavior. All the best to the current crop of academic idealists at the UA.
Michael Robey UA alumnus
Letter writer’s suggestion offensive, anti-Islamic
Despite the fact that your disclaimer states that letters should “”refrain from personal attacks”” you nonetheless chose to publish the anti-Islamic diatribe of Andrew Benson. Well, consider my fellow Muslims and I “”personally attacked.”” A year ago as an
undergraduate, a student at my college published a letter calling the Muslims at our school “”militant”” despite the fact that he had never attended our meetings and his usual television fare consisted of “”Hannity and Colmes.”” His comment sparked an uproar at our campus, and I, being then president of the Muslim Student Association, was caught in the middle. Now, I have barely been in Tucson a week as a grad student, and I find insensitive hogwash (excuse the pun) being published and accosting the ears of our Muslim students.
Welcome to the life of an American Muslim.
I have endured many “”extra searches”” while going through airports, and I bore the “”special treatment”” in silence, knowing it was for a greater good. To have someone like Benson suggest (even jokingly) that we should now endure the “”pet-the-pig test”” before boarding planes in order to deter potential terrorists was the straw that broke the (dare I say it?) camel’s back.
I am amused that Benson used the example of the “”Muslim insurgents in the Philippines”” who were supposedly scared away by the use of pigs. I say this because even Mark Twain, that symbol of American literary greatness, criticized the United States’ imperial designs in the Philippines, and he rightfully called the so-called insurgents liberationists. He criticized the U.S. for turning its back on its long-standing tradition of supporting independence around the world and instead choosing to play the “”Great Game”” (colonialism). Yet perhaps we should put Benson’s suggestion to the test – after all, who is Twain, anyway?
The Lebanese should take note, and station pigs all along the Israeli border. This will then prevent the Jewish state from invading a land that they first invaded illegally 24 years ago, when they took thousands of liberationists as prisoners that only now Hezbollah is trying to get back, however misguided their methods may be. Jewish students will, I’m sure, take my suggestion with a dose of humor. They, and now Muslims, have had to learn to deal with our situations as scapegoats using the art of humor. Short of placing history textbooks at the doorstep of George Bush’s Texas ranch, I think you’ll agree this is the surest way of preventing terror in any part of our globe.
Tricia Pethic Near Eastern studies graduate student
Diamondbacks should support all Arizona schools
As longtime Tucsonans and avid UA and Diamondbacks fans, we are a little miffed at the Diamondbacks front office. This Sunday the Diamondbacks are having ASU day at Chase Field. What add insult to injury are commercials on Tucson radio stations asking Southern Arizonans to head up to Phoenix for this traitorous event. This is another slap in the face to the rest of Arizona. How about the Diamondbacks organization including all of Arizona by sponsoring a “”be true to your school”” event? That way NAU, ASU and our beloved UA could be represented. The Diamondbacks customer relations outside of Phoenix are abysmal. My wife, mother-in-law and I go to all Sunday home games and have supported the Diamondbacks from day one. We will be in the stands this Sunday in section 209 proudly waving our UA flag. GO CATS!
Mike and Kathy Audelo Tucson residents
Welcome international graduate students
Welcome international graduate students! Associated Students of the University of Arizona President Erin Hertzog spoke to you at international graduate student orientation and presented the ASUA as the only student government on campus. I just want to let you know that the Graduate and Professional Student Council is the representative organization for grad students on the UA campus and to welcome you on behalf of the GPSC. You should also be aware that UA grad students voted last spring, by the margin of 1,085 to 64, to be represented by the GPSC and not by the ASUA. The GPSC encourages all grad students to get involved. Several international graduate students currently serve in elected positions within the organization, including the position of GPSC president.
Paul Thorn GPSC president, philosophy graduate student