Rebecca Noble
ASUA Sen. Atiana Waters listens as the issue of senator business cards are discussed during an ASUA meeting in the Student Union Memorial Center on Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016.
The Associated Students of the University of Arizona held their weekly meeting on Wednesday night to discuss the appropriations to agendas, the ASUA budget and other new orders of business.
The meeting began with a call to order, roll call, the approval of minutes and a call to the audience.
Executive Vice President Trey Cox moved to introduce the freshman class council before discussing other important orders of business for the night.
Members of the freshman class council are planning to build a Scooby Doo float for homecoming week with an estimate of a $400 budget. The item was approved immediately.
The next order of business focused on the appropriations consent agenda, and with no objections, the consent agenda was approved.
Following this, the ASUA budget was discussed as an info item.
However, Cox and all members of the ASUA voted to approve this item of budget in their current meeting by renaming it as an action item and approving it right away.
The next order of business discussed the meningitis B vaccination, another info item which will be approved or denied at the next meeting.
Cox suggested that UA should require all incoming freshman to get the meningitis B vaccination prior to their attendance at the UA.
RELATED: UA Campus Health explains why you should care about Meningitis B
Senator Stefan Schmietenknop made the suggestion that the ASUA should warn all students currently attending the UA of this potentially fatal illness and encourage all students to get the vaccination as soon as possible.
The issue was moved to discussion for the next meeting and the Get On the Vote campaign was discussed.
The campaign’s goal is to encourage students to vote in the presidential election on campus by advertising the election virtually and physically on campus.
Senator Kincaid Rabb was uneasy about approving a budget for advertising without an exact breakdown for the physical items being distributed such as flyers and banners.
Cox suggested that the ASUA approve the virtual part of the budget for the campaign at their current meeting and then suggested to negotiate the physical part of the budget at their meeting next week.
RELATED: ASUA notebook Oct. 5: Senators remove signature petition process from elections
After negotiation, the item was approved.
The meeting was called to a close with the approval of committee, senator, treasurer, administrative vice president and executive vice president reports.
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