Stephen Farabaugh, a pharmacy freshman, has a McDonald's dinner yesterday during the restaurant's final semester at the Student Union Memorial Center. Next semester, Burger King will be taking its place.
Burger King will replace McDonald’s in the Student Union Memorial Center next semester, according to student union officials. McDonald’s contract expired this year, and Burger King was among two companies that bid on the available space, said Dan Adams, director of the Arizona Student Unions.””Their contract expired, and by state law we had to re-bid it out,”” Adams said. “”After it was all said and done and we conducted an evaluation, Burger King was awarded the contract.”” The fast-food restaurant will open for the fall semester, Adams said, and will be able to accept payment from CatCards. “”I think since we opened the union, we’ve always had a hamburger option,”” Adams said. “”Both companies have improved their variety over the years to be more adept to vegetarians or others who would like healthier options, and both have done a great job with expanding their lines.”” Based on their contract, Burger King will be in the SUMC for a minimum of five years, Adams said. After that, they will have the option to renew their contract each year for the next five years. As part of this contract, Burger King is expected to provide about $100,000 for SUMC programs, although the figure is based on sales, Adams said. “”In the past, we got a percentage with McDonald’s, about $125,000 a year that came into the union for programs,”” Adams said. “”Burger King will probably come close to that, but we don’t know how they will do yet.””Nick Adamakis, marketing director for the Arizona Student Unions, said he thinks the change will be well received. “”I think it’s positive,”” Adamakis said. “”Burger King will provide some changes that students will be happy with, and they have a high focus on their product and that’s really important.”” Krystina Lee, a veterinary science senior, said that she thinks the switch from McDonald’s to Burger King is a bad move. “”Even though I don’t personally eat at either, I think that people tend to prefer McDonald’s,”” Lee said. Other students said they feel indifferent toward the switch. “”I never ate the McDonald’s, and I imagine I won’t eat at the Burger King either,”” said Alison Heard, a creative writing junior. “”I personally have never eaten at Burger King,”” echoed Lauren Baez, a creative writing sophomore. “”It’s just one burger joint replacing another.””