Rebecca Noble
Presidential nominees Hillary Clinton (left) and Donald Trump (right) at their rallies in Arizona leading up to election day.
Oh, 2016 election cycle, how the Daily Wildcat will miss you so.
As America goes to the polls today to vote on the future of the country—not just in the White House, but in congress, the senate and any number of local offices and propositions—the staff of the Wildcat is getting sentimental over the past year-plus worth of election coverage in our newsroom.
Arizona’s roll as a swing state became very apparent very quickly this election cycle as candidates and their high caliber campaign surrogates visited the state in droves. For the Wildcat, that meant many days on the road covering rallies and campaign stops in the Tucson and Phoenix area.
In total, we covered 14 political rallies since the first campaigns began rolling through our area late last year, until just shy of a week ago when Tim Kaine visited Tucson for what appeared to be the last physical election push in Arizona.
Here’s an aggregation of our 2016 Arizona rally coverage, in chronological order:
Oct. 10, 2015Bernie Sanders visits Tucson for primary campaign stop, urges Tucson to “stand together.”Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders gave a rousing speech to a packed DeMeester Outdoor Performance Center at Tucson’s Reid Park Friday night. Sanders’ message began and ended on similar note, best captured by his rallying cry, “Stand together.”
Dec. 10, 2015Donald Trump talks national security among other issues during December rallyAt the rally, Trump mentioned the wall he plans to build around the U.S.-Mexico border, this time giving new specifications. Although Trump has offered to pay for the wall himself, he said on Wednesday that Mexico would be footing the bill.Mar. 18, 2016Bernie Sanders ‘berns’ Tucson a second time On Friday, Sen. Bernie Sanders took to the Tucson Convention Center just days before the March 22 Arizona presidential primary, in which 75 Democratic delegates are up for grabs in the winner take all election.
Mar. 19, 2016Trump takes center stage in TucsonRepublican presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump, took to the Tucson Convention Center on Saturday to greet supporters preceding the March 22 Arizona primary election.
Donald Trump, meet the protesters of TucsonThe Tucson Convention Center was inundated with Trump supporters and protesters this afternoon as Donald Trump visited Tucson for a final rally before the March 22 Arizona primary.
Mar. 21, 2016Hillary Clinton holds rally in Phoenix In the last of a slew of presidential rallies over the past four days, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton held a last-ditch effort to rally as much support as she can at a “Get Out and Vote” event in Phoenix today at Carl Hayden High School.
June 18, 2016Donald Trump in Phoenix: The GOP nominee talked about the border, the Orlando shooting and foreign tradePresidential candidate Donald Trump made another visit to Arizona today, stopping in Phoenix to rally up support before the Republican National Convention which will take place in Cleveland, Ohio next month. Trump is the last candidate standing to take the spot as the GOP presidential candidate.
Aug. 7, 2016Mike Pence answers questions about veterans affairs and being a part of a “dynamic duo” at Tucson rallyRepublican vice presidential nominee Gov. Mike Pence took to Tucson to rally support after his nomination with presidential candidate Donald Trump last week.
Sept. 1, 2016Trump campaign denies Daily Wildcat staff entry to Phoenix speech detailing immigration policyAs a reporter and an editor, I’ve covered six presidential campaign stops in Arizona — four of them being Republican candidate Donald Trump or his running mate Mike Pence — but Wednesday’s Phoenix Trump rally was the first time I’ve been denied access.
Oct. 18, 2016Tuesday at Bernie’s: Sanders campaigns for Hillary Clinton at UAVermont Sen. Bernie Sanders stumped to over 5,000 people on the UA Mall for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, calling on supporters to elect her president this November.
Oct. 20, 2016Michelle Obama rallies hope for Hillary Clinton, America in PhoenixFirst Lady Michelle Obama spoke words of encouragement and hope to Arizona voters from all backgrounds at a Phoenix rally in what has recently become a swing state campaign for both presidential parties.
Oct. 27, 2016Donald Trump Jr. rallies in Tempe for fatherDonald Trump Jr. talked about what he called a corrupt system and being a young person in today’s politically correct world at the Sun Devil Recreation Center on Thursday, Oct 27.
Oct. 29, 2016Trump visits Phoenix for final push to secure Arizona’s votesAn estimated 8,000 Arizonans and a large police presence descended on the Phoenix Convention Center this afternoon to hear Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump speak.
Nov. 2, 2016Hillary Clinton campaigns at ASU to turn AZ blueOver ten thousand people waited for several hours on the lawn of the Arizona State University soccer field to hear Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton speak at one of her campaign’s biggest rallies so far.
Nov. 3, 2016Tim Kaine rallies in Tucson, continuing Hillary Clinton’s push for ArizonaA small but enthusiastic crowd gathered in Sunnyside High School’s gymnasium to hear Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine campaign for Hillary Clinton.
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