Lexi Horsey
The University of Arizona Police Department on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2019, in Tucson.
This week on the Daily Wildcat PoBeat, reporter Annabel Lecky describes a special delivery gone wrong, Vic Verbalaitis details a creepy encounter and Kate Ewing recaps an attempted bicycle theft that turned into a drug possession arrest.
U.S. Postal Service hits the jackPOT
A University of Arizona student and resident at the Coronado Residence Hall was busted by the University of Arizona Police Department after she had marijuana delivered to the student mailroom on Monday, Oct. 4.
A Resident Assistant noticed the peculiar delivery while working in the Coronado mailroom after a strong odor of marijuana was coming from the package, despite it being sealed. Before UAPD could arrive on the scene, the student had already picked up her package with her CatCard and made her way back to her room, no questions asked.
Just when the UA student thought she was in the clear, UAPD knocked on her door and requested entry into her room. She complied and the officer began to question her about the contents of the package.
According to UAPD, the student said, “yeah, it’s marijuana.” She informed officers that she did not have a medical marijuana license and that she had been smoking for years.
The student also admitted that someone from home had sent her the weed. She was read her Miranda rights by UAPD and referred to the Dean of Students for a Code of Conduct violation.
Bad hair day
Admiring other people’s hairstyles is not uncommon among the general population. However, there comes a point where admiration can turn to creepiness and obsession.
According to a UAPD report, a UA student was assaulted by a man in a parking lot near the Phi Delta Theta fraternity house on Thursday night, Oct. 28.
The report specifies that the suspect in question had nonconsensually grabbed the victim’s hair, before smelling their hair and touching their lower back. The victim was not hurt but expressed that they felt uncomfortable by the encounter. A friend of the victim had reportedly yelled at the suspect to leave before calling the police.
In the police report, an officer described the suspect as a white male in his mid-30s with brown hair, donning a black shirt, jeans and Converse shoes. The victim expressed to police that the man appeared to be “homeless,” as he had a plastic bag filled with various items in his possession.
A call to UAPD about the incident was also made by a sober security monitor for Phi Delta Theta, who was approached by the victim after the incident. UAPD officers responded to the call and the victim advised them that they would like to pursue judicial action against the suspect.
A bad tradeoff
Stealing a $300 bike in return for $50 worth of food stamps seems like a pretty bad deal, but for some, it might seem like a worthwhile proposition.
According to a UAPD police report, an officer was doing an area check of the Arizona-Sonora Residence Hall when he came across a man attempting to steal a blue beach cruiser bicycle on Wednesday, Oct. 6.
The man appeared to be sawing off a bike lock when the officer confronted him and told him to sit down. The man was compliant and also informed the officer that he had a knife on his hip. The officer confiscated the knife and handcuffed the man.
While detaining the suspect the officer felt a backpack concealed by their sweatshirt. The suspect later disclosed to the officer that inside the backpack he might have drug paraphernalia. He also informed the officer that he smokes methamphetamine pretty regularly.
A leather pouch was found in the suspect’s backpack and contained a burnt glass pipe, a straw and a white crystalline substance later confirmed to be 1.1 grams of meth.
The officer recognized the man’s face from previous encounters on campus and a records check through the UAPD dispatch revealed that he had an active exclusionary order from the UA.
The suspect was then charged for attempted theft, criminal damage, trespassing and for possessing meth.
Follow Vic Verbalaitis, Annabel Lecky and Kate Ewing on Twitter