• The Phillips-head screwdriver was invented in Oregon.
• “”The 3 R’s”” (which stand for reading, writing and arithmetic) was a phrase created by Sir William Curtis, who was illiterate.
• The phrase “”rule of thumb”” was derived from an old English law which stated that you couldn’t beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.
• The placement of a donkey’s eyes in its’ heads enables it to see all four feet at all times.
• The province of Alberta in Canada has been completely free of rats since 1905.
• The screwdriver was invented before the screw.
• The ‘Screwdriver’ was invented by oilmen, who used the tool to stir the beverage of the same name.
• The slogan on New Hampshire license plates is “”Live Free or Die.”” These license plates are manufactured by prisoners in the state prison in Concord.
• The term “”Devil’s advocate”” comes from the Roman Catholic church. When deciding if someone should be sainted, a Devil’s advocate is always appointed to give an alternative view.
• The term “”Mayday”” is used for signaling for help. It comes from the French term “”M’aidez”” which is pronounced “”May Day”” and means, “”Help Me.””
• The turkey was wrongly named after what was thought to be its country of origin.