Online comments
From “UAPD officer gets super extreme DUI” (by Ethan McSweeney, Feb. 2)
A cop ignoring the law. What a shock.
— David
From “E-cigs spark smoking etiquette revamp” (by Eric Klump, Jan. 29)
I don’t like the smell of some perfumes, they smell shitty… can we ban them then?? How about people that cook shitty smelling food? Get over yourself and mind your own damn business.
— Tom Pavone
As an electronic cigarette smoker myself, I do agree that people could be more courteous about where they use their device, and I’m ashamed when I see someone using their device in a place that is going to get negative attention. As all things that were once free in America, the rude, stupid, and ignorant people will ruin the fun for everybody, and the wussiest of wussies will get their way. Soon, my healthier (and no, not debate-ably healthier) habit will be no different than smoking in many peoples eyes, ruining many people’s opportunities to quit, or abstain, and be healthier. It’s a shame.
— Matt
Social norms are transitory at best. I recall, as a senior in high school, going to the local community college to take my SATs. I entered the class room and to my amazement there were ashtrays on the desks. WOW!! I smoked a whole pack while taking my SATs.
Many offices, including doctors’ offices, had little wooden or metal ornate cases on their desks filled with cigarettes. It was as casual to offer someone a cigarette as a glass of water.
Times have changed. E-cigs ARE changing social norms. They are not bringing back cigarettes or smoking into social and business situations. They are NEW and they are different and they are going to require time for NEW “norms” to develop.
An interesting point in the OP. Everyone farts. Everyone. But is anyone calling for a ban on assholes? (Might be a good idea.) No, we communicate with one another and work out what we as individual groups, in individual situations, find appropriate. (Tell cowboys sitting around a campfire eating beans if they need to go somewhere else to fart.)
Maybe we just need to get comfortable talking to each other eye to eye again, instead of leaving it up to The Powers That Be.
— SheerLuckVapor
From “Hockey snaps 37 game winless streak against ASU” (by Joey Putrelo, Feb. 2)
There was a lady wearing an ASU jersey standing next to the door, being very obvious about filming UA fans as they left the building after Friday’s loss.
Funny … didn’t see her standing there on Saturday.
— fishbert