Freshman year is filled with growing pains, and ones that don’t go away with the help of a little Advil and Netflix — though those might help. It’s a year filled with anxiety, excitement, new opportunities and carefree feelings, but at the same time, it’s absolutely terrifying. It feels like nothing will ever be as comforting as home. Freshman year is a once-in-a-lifetime, though — responsibilities are minimal, and opportunities are endless.
Growing up is inevitable, though — we have to open the door to new relationships and opportunities. Remember when it seemed like you would never find comfort in your tiny dorm room, but it eventually began to feel more and more like home?
Soon it’ll be time to go home for the summer, and your childhood room won’t feel as comforting as you once remembered — but you’ll definitely treasure your own bathroom. Prepare to lose the freshman 15 and then gain it all back when your mom insists on cooking you three dinners.
But when you get home, believe it or not, you’ll start to miss your once claustrophobic shoebox-sized dorm, and in comparison, your house will feel huge.
Some of your high school friends will seem different, parties won’t be as exciting as they once were, but you can always count on the endless love and companionship of your dog. Soon you’ll begin to feel more than ready to go back to school to face sophomore year.
A new year will make you realize there are even more changes on the way. You and your friends will toy with the idea of getting a dog, but after talking it through, will decide that junior year might be a better time for that. Sophomore year is different from your freshman year, but in a good way.
You’ll see confused freshmen walking around campus and chuckle because you know what it feels like to be so out of place. School is still filled with the same old general education classes, but the idea of waking up for your 8 a.m. class will start to become more important to you. As school becomes more serious, you’ll begin to understand why everyone is always stressing out about finding a job or internship.
Tan lines will start to fade, but your love for the UA will continue to grow. More than anything, you’ll treasure the memories and friendships made during freshman year. Nothing will compare to the first time going out with the friends made in your dorm.
Freshman year is a time full of “yes.” In these next couple of months, open yourself up to new experiences, regardless of whether they seem your speed. Say yes to every new possibility and friendship, because the experiences and relationships you make in college will stay with you forever. Embrace and cherish this year because at the end of the day, nothing compares to it. So make some memories, and make the most of your freshman year at the UA.
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