Dear “Miss Independent,”
You are educated, driven, a little stubborn and kind of masculine. In the search for equality among men in our society, you lost the sense of femininity that makes you a woman. Throughout the decades, our roles as women have changed dramatically, from the way we are portrayed in the media to what is expected of us. In the 1950s you wore dresses, had a freshly manicured lawn and set out gourmet meals on the table for when your husband arrived home from a long day of work. Remember those days? Let’s fast-forward six decades and now you are wearing an unflattering pantsuit that makes you look like the men in your office. But you don’t need to out-man your co-workers to prove you’re qualified for your position. Even though we live in a male-dominated world, it doesn’t mean you have to look or act like one.
The women before us should be proud, but think about how much of ourselves we lost in the process. For years, we tapped at the glass ceiling and had to cross great distances to get to where we are today. Yes, women have become very successful but it is simply because men have conditioned women in the workforce to have masculine qualities. Have we lost part of our identity in order to be successful in today’s society? Regardless, we are not the women we once were; we are strong, independent and outspoken. It still begs the question: At what cost?
As women become actively involved in our world, it is more and more difficult to differentiate whether they are female or male. It’s as if we have created a whole new gender since their characteristics do not match that of a woman or a man. The independent woman has become a hybrid of a female body with a male’s perspective and beliefs.
This clash and conflict has certainly shaped who you are today. After all the years of repression and being underappreciated, you, the independent woman, have learned the masculine quality of aggression. This anger has been the driving force in your success. The constant battle has definitely made you one tough cookie and now society sees you as an equal team member. But it is okay to be a woman and to embrace who and what you are. There is no need to be embarrassed by women who wear makeup and actually care about their outer appearance. Like primates to the modern day human, you too have evolved and can continue to do so.
You can pay your own bills, get a higher education, and have the choice not to get married and bear children. With newfound responsibilities as independent women, men have become intimidated by female success. Women nowadays do not know how to be feminine and self-sufficient. Feminine power is greater than you think and women actually have more power than men but do not know how to use it. You do not have to be a man, dress like a man or act like a man to be powerful. Embrace your femininity and brains to succeed. Women can be smart and sexy too. Feminine Power.
Proud Female
— Jacquelyn Abad is a sophomore studying journalism and Spanish. She can be reached at