The film “Occupy Love,” which examines the Occupy Wall Street protests that began in 2011, will premiere at the Sea of Glass Center for the Arts on Friday. The film explores the reasons why people have protested for the movement and how they’ve been affected. It concentrates on economic issues, ecological collapse, obsessive greed and a lack of love.
“Occupy Love” is directed by Velcrow Ripper, who also directed films such as “Scared Sacred” and “Fierce Light: When Spirit Meets Action.” Throughout the film, Ripper asks the question, “How could the crisis we are facing become a love story?”
Ripper looks to transform the anger associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement into love for those in the “99 percent.”
“‘Occupy Love’ is the movie I have been waiting to make all my life,” Ripper said.
Ripper’s cast features Naomi Klein, Bill McKibben, Jeremy Rifkin, Bell Hooks and Charles Eisenstein.
“The film takes it to another level,” said Mycenay Plyer, who does the booking for the film and brought “Occupy Love” to the Sea of Glass Center for the Arts. “You can debate politicians, but it takes us uniting [in our] humanity to make it real. We’re actually, as an organization, very proactive in general and have people who have attended the occupy movement in the U.S. who have helped us realize that there are bigger issues why we even need to have an occupy movement.”
The Sea of Glass Center for the Arts focuses on global change. Located near Fourth Avenue, the arts center also has a café and a shop that sells art, clothes and jewelry when it’s not showing performances or films.
Tickets for “Occupy Love” are $5 in advance and $10 at the door for those 16 or older. They are $3 in advance and $8 at the door for those aged 12-15. The film starts at 7 p.m.