The Associated Students of the University of Arizona will begin their weekly meeting with the appointment of Sen. Leo Yamaguchi as executive vice president.
The meeting will take place at 5 p.m. in the Ventana Room of the Student Union Memorial Center.
Sen. James Brooks will provide a summary of the consent agenda and review which clubs and organizations submitted requests for funding in the past week. These clubs include the bowling club, which requested $967.96 for hotel and registration fees for an upcoming competition. The club will receive $682.48. The Wildcat Drill Team requested $99 to help fund an invitational drill meet and they were awarded the full amount.
Eleven clubs and organizations requested $10,928.13 in total funds this week. The appropriations board awarded $5,429.69.
Also scheduled for tomorrow’s meeting, Sen. Ryan Ruiz will host an informational presentation regarding community development; and later Sen. Eduardo Atjian will propose action for a senate stipend setting.
Sen. Katherine Weingartner plans to sponsor an action item regarding election viewing results.
And lastly, current executive vice president Emily Fritze will sponsor the appointment of Jarrett Benkendorfer to appropriations board director.
Benkendorfer, a political science sophomore, was the standards board director but after last week’s appointment of Steven Otero to Arizona Students’ Association director, the seat was left open.