If you were the last person on Earth and were forced to reproduce with someone to create more of the human race, who would that person be?
This is a really tough question, but I am going to have to go with Brad Pitt.
What type of condoms are your personal favorite?
I am going to go with Trojan, definitely.
Have you ever tried the shaped ones or the flavored ones?
No … maybe I’ll try them out this Valentine’s Day though.
Are you single?
So has this human condom disguise helped you at all in acquiring a Valentine or just weird reactions?
Absolutely, to both. Who doesn’t need a condom?
If you were to find out you were pregnant tomorrow, what would happen?
That would never happen because I always practice safe sex.
What do you think is the biggest problem concerning sex today?
I think the number of STDs and diseases and health issues that come from people being unsafe. Get your free condoms for Valentine’s Day! It’s the best gift.