Generalizations leave a bad taste
Mr. McKay,
I was really enjoying reading your article “”Mexico gets medieval”” (published Feb. 1) while eating lunch at 3 Cheeses and a Noodle the other day. Then, at some point, your commentary changed from humorous to disrespectful, in my opinion: “”Given the gung-ho ‘cowboy’ dynamic that seems to run through the souls of most border patrol agents…””
I am unsure what your relationship, knowledge and experiences are with Border Patrol agents are. However, your statement seems to make a pretty sweeping generalization about people with one of the toughest jobs I can imagine. Maybe it was a compliment. Maybe border patrol agents really do have this mentality — I just think it’s unfair to make offhand generalizations about people you did. Either way, it left a strange distaste in my mouth as I left 3 Cheeses and a Noodle 20 minutes later.
— AlexYang, Aerospace engineering junior
Arizona needs compassion, kindness to recover
Thank you,
Your article (“”Arizona: Breaking down when we should rebuild,”” Jan. 30) was much needed in this community that has been through much. Hate groups and media were called out and insulted by Dupnik’s comments, which were correct and not out of line for their involvement in incitement to violence. They would like you to believe that all that hateful violent talk did not affect Loughner or others who listen to hate radio/TV. We have a chance to heal but we must be as organized and persistent with love and compassion as those that hate.
— Bruce Hermes, Tucson