Praise for homeless column
Please accept my appreciation for your column about the homeless (“”Homelessness not sufficient reason for violence, disregard,”” Sept. 4). It was well written and a good reminder that all people, no matter what their current status in life, deserve to be treated with dignity and afforded all the protections available in our society. I believe it will have a positive impact on at least some of those who read it. Law enforcement is committed to protecting those who are unable to protect themselves. It is reassuring to know that others, like you, stand with us in that commitment. Keep up the good work.
Anthony Daykin
Chief of police, UA Police Department
Columnist should rely on less questionable sources
I would like to write in response to Taylor Kessinger’s poorly written and poorly researched article, “”McCain ruins Palin’s life…”” First of all, the beauty of our nation is that we have the freedom of choice, whether that choice be to kill an unborn, to write an unintelligent article or to accept the nomination for Vice President of the United States. Gov. Palin made that choice and has not indicated at all that it was a mistake and she has not presented herself as anything but ecstatic to have been chosen by Sen. McCain. To say that she “”accept(ed) the position without thought”” is taking something completely out of context. She means that she had no second thoughts about it, she was called to serve and she accepted. Most politicians have not resolved to stay in one place for their entire career, and to claim that this is “”ruining her life”” is something Kessinger totally made up. There is no truth to that. You then attack Palin for having a pregnant 17-year-old who is engaged to the father. Essentially you are attacking the parents of roughly a million teenage girls who give birth every year.
Mr. Kessinger, I’m so thrilled that you come from such a perfect family that you can stand in judgment of someone else’s. It’s funny that Obama claims the Republicans are so out of touch with real life, when our future VP has dealt with some of our toughest issues: teen pregnancy, special needs children, a son going to war…
I also really enjoyed your insinuation that Sarah Palin is BFF with David Brickner, a leader of the well-known and certainly not anti-Semitic organization Jews For Jesus. He spoke at her church once. And I’m wondering if you are calling him anti-Semitic because he’s a Christian or because he’s a Jewish Christian? Your statements would be the equivalent of my Republican friends criticizing me for attending the same university as you. Doesn’t make too much sense, does it? As far as her “”lunatic far-right beliefs”” that you listed (that happen to be shared with most Republicans and even a lot of Democrats that I personally know), all I can say is that at least they aren’t the lunatic far left beliefs in murder, debauchery, protecting terrorists, floating illegal immigrants, government handouts, freeing violent criminals, extremely corrupt politics (like the ones Obama got his political start in), raising taxes and robbing the American people. Get a clue, Kessinger, and start using some reliable sources so you don’t sound like a fabricating idiot.
Bethany Fourmy
Microbiology senior