Minimum wage hurts, not helps, working class
Nyles Kendall’s perspective presented in his column “”Republicans out of touch with working class”” shows the ignorance of those who don’t bother to even examine opposing views.
The staggering lack of thought put into Nyle’s perspective that some Republicans favor no minimum wage, therefore they hate working class people, is mind-blowing.
The fantasyland liberals live in is one where bosses, ever-dressed like the Monopoly guy, smoke cigars and think of ways to screw poor people. The minimum wage, in fact, hurts the working class. Ask the cashiers who have been replaced by kiosks due to the rising minimum cost of labor. To take one more visit to fantasyland; when the minimum wage is raised, employers don’t lament the loss of negligible profits to despised workers, they lament the firings they can’t avoid due to the forced increase in the cost of labor.
A higher cost per worker means the same labor budget gets split between fewer workers. Some labor isn’t worth $10 per hour, and when you’re forced to pay $10 for something that’s only worth $8 or less, you find an alternative. Failing to realize this is what’s “”out of touch with the working class.””
Michael T. Reed, Engineering undergraduate
Duke ‘thesis’ offers important commentary on feminism
I enjoyed reading (Mallory Hawkins’) recent perspective regarding Karen Owen (“”Dear ‘Promiscuous girl'””). As a husband of a professional woman and a father of two young girls, I am, by necessity, a feminist. But, being 44 years old, I am also an old-style romantic. I find it a little sad that sex has become just a fun, rigorous activity for so many young people, lacking some of the emotional attachment.
I imagine that many people are mortified about the Duke thesis, whether it be because these things happened, or that it was exposed on a national scale (the principals involved, Ms. Owen’s family and those of the men she ranked in her thesis).
However, I do see a silver lining of Ms. Owen’s pain. This incident has brought about greater awareness on the issues of sex and feminine empowerment. It raises good questions as to how we view each other and how we relate to each other as men and women.
As a father, I truly hope Ms. Owen is not too hard on herself. This was a private documentation of her private life, never meant to be perused by the public. While there is pain with the disclosure, I am sure it will dissipate over time. Greater knowledge, debate and understanding of the broader social issues will be the legacy of the thesis.
Krister D. Johnson,St. Cloud, Minn.
Bible condemns homosexuality, not homosexuals
After taking Johnny McKay’s challenge to “”Read St. Paul, not Rev. Phelps,”” I discovered that, indeed, Paul unambiguously condemns homosexuality (Romans 1:24-27), even going so far as to say that those who do not repent of it will not “”inherit the kingdom of God”” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). In fact, most theologians agree that the Bible denounces homosexuality; those who affirm it simply deny the authority of the Bible.
But it’s egregious to suggest that Christians who stand on Biblical grounds and reject homosexual behavior have any solidarity whatsoever with the so-called “”Rev.”” Fred Phelps who is, in fact, a colossal bigot. Paul (along with Christ himself) envisions a Christianity that “”loves our neighbor”” while at the same time, denying the legitimacy of their lifestyle. If Jesus ate with “”tax collectors and sinners”” without affirming their behavior, his people should follow suit.
True, biblical Christianity has always taught that marriage and sex are good and beautiful only in the context of marriage between one man and one woman. But Christians also understand themselves to be those who are naturally inclined to rebel against and be indifferent toward the One in whose image they are made. Even “”socially acceptable”” sins such as greed, pride and gossip are included in what Paul condemns in Romans 1. We are all guilty. But Christ receives all who will transfer their identity from themselves and their own appetites over to Christ alone. Christians understand that they are big sinners who have an even bigger Savior, and it makes us compassionate and loving toward others, even those whose beliefs and lifestyles are contrary to scripture.
Rev. Darin M. Stone, UA alumnus, class of 1999