Students in the UA’s Blue Chip program are working together to spread literacy worldwide.
Lately, they have been gathering books and fundraising in an attempt to build a library in the town of Anfoega, Ghana.
“”It started last semester, and we started collecting books,”” said Devon Jernigan, a pre-business freshman and co-chair of the Ghana Library Project. “”We took any books we could get then. But this semester we are focusing on fundraising and getting enough money to get the books over to Ghana.””
The idea came from Annice Fisher, hall director in Pima Residence Hall’s Blue Chip Leadership Lodge, who took a trip to Ghana a couple of years ago.
After visiting with the chief of a local tribe, she realized that students at the university could make a difference.
Today, the group has approximately 1,000 books and a little over $900 – not enough, according to participants.
The cost of sending these books overseas is estimated to be almost $3,500, a goal students are trying to reach as soon as possible.
“”There is a building in this town that is like a community center that is going to be used for a library,”” Jernigan said. “”We’re just trying to provide the books to make this something special for the people. We found and collected as many books as we can.
“”Really, we just want people who don’t have a library now to get one so they can enjoy reading books, too.””
The types of books being sent range with regard to genre and format, from self-help to novels to cookbooks.
“”We have done various fundraisers, and we have a Web site where people can go to donate,”” Jernigan said. “”Also, there are posters around campus, and if anyone can help us out, there are more people than they know of who will appreciate it.””
If you are interested in helping, please visit