What is the craziest thing you wish you could do in the library because it is so quiet and forbidden?
Definitely tip over one of the bookshelves, cause a chain reaction to where the whole library crashes at once.
That would be so crazy.
How do you feel about awkward silences? Like on dates, just in general.
I mean, it’s definitely awkward. But at times it’s funny because then you get to look at their face and then only imagine what the hell is going on in their head.
What are some icebreaking tricks that you commonly use to break the awkward silence?
You know typically this is my number-one move. You know, I trip and fall down, pretend that I am like out cold and then of course the girl is like, “”Oh my God, are you OK?”” and all that. I’m telling you, it works every time.
Do you end up getting the number usually?
Oh, more than just the number.
If you were a god what would you do to the world?
I would give everyone the ability to fly.
Just because of the chaos it would cause.
Like on brooms or just in general?
Actually yeah, only on brooms.
There would be so much sky traffic with broom collisions and stuff like that, don’t you think?
Oh yeah, they’d have to give BUIs.
Brooming under the influence?
(Laughs) For sure.
Who would win in the ultimate challenge of the Incredible Hulk verses Hercules?
Hercules, for sure, he’s a Greek god. The Hulk doesn’t have anything on a god.
Yeah, but he is like the ultimate man-creature.
Yeah, but he is man while Hercules is a god. Period, end of discussion.
What would you do if Zeus were your dad?
I’d be on cloud nine, literally.
Would you rather marry Hera or Aphrodite, the goddess of love, aka the most beautiful lady in the world?
That’s hard because Hera is like the top dog, but I am going to have to go with Aphrodite. Have you ever heard the song “”She’s So High Above Me”” by Fastball?
OK. They talk about Aphrodite in that song. She’s definitely a fantasy of mine; let’s just put it that way.
— Caroline Nachazel