By Stone Avenue Standard
Still considering living in an on-campus dorm this fall?
Consider the alternative: More space. More money in your bank account. Better peace of mind through the uncertainty we’re all facing these days.
The Stone Avenue Standard, a luxury student housing community located minutes from the University of Arizona campus, has taken aggressive steps to respond to student needs for this upcoming fall semester.

‘COVID-19 Worry Free Guarantee’
If the university cancels all in-person classes at any point this semester and closes the dorms, and a Stone Avenue Standard resident desires to temporarily move-out, the Stone Avenue Standard will, simply stated, stop charging rent until campus reopens. This removes financial risk, requires no notice, and provides peace of mind. Unlike the dorms, Stone Avenue Standard will not close at any point. Residents who prefer to remain in-place are welcome enjoy the community’s unparalleled lifestyle, amenities and events.
In the event that a resident needs to quarantine, Stone Avenue Standard has set aside a designated fully-furnished, isolated apartment for residents and stocks it with beverages and food at no additional charge.
Size Matters:
Occupancy at The Stone Avenue Standard is strictly limited to one occupant per bedroom, allowing for plenty of necessary, healthful space. Most apartments also feature one private bathroom per bedroom. Due to demand, Stone Avenue Standard has also converted some four-bedroom apartments to two-bedroom apartments, thus providing more than 760 square feet of space to each student.
Physical Layout
It’s important to understand how certain physical layouts can contribute to the spread of COVID-19. Buildings featuring elevators, interior hallways and dense apartment or dorm layouts present an elevated risk profile. Stone Avenue Standard features an ideal physical layout: Five separate building spread across three acres. That’s with no elevators or interior hallways, and each apartment door directly faces the outside environment or an exterior stairwell.
Free Beer. (That’s right. Free. Beer.)
Being a college student during COVID is tough. Stone Avenue Standard, in partnership with local favorite Brother John’s Beer, Bourbon and BBQ wants to improve college life during these times by offering all of its residents free beer, mixed drinks or soft drinks for 2020!
Residents who are at least 21-years-old can head across the street and enjoy up to two free beers or mixed drinks daily at Brother John’s spacious restaurant and bar, featuring a newly-renovated, and now-covered, patio. Those not yet 21 (and non-drinkers, of course) can enjoy up to two soft drinks daily instead. That’s happy hour, upgraded!
The Math: Save $6,400 or more. That’s real money.
This calculus is easy. The least-expensive single-occupancy on-campus dorm is $12,745 for the academic year and summer sessions. The least-expensive floorplan at Stone Avenue Standard is $6,300 for the year (that’s $525 a month, for an individual bedroom).
An important decision – especially this year
The university has already announced that the dorms will close for the Fall Semester on December 18. Stone Avenue Standard is here for its residents now, and will be then – offering free drinks, more than twice the space at possibly half the cost, and the peace of mind you need going into the new academic year.
As might be expected, availability is disappearing quickly. Visit or call/text (520) 415-3022 to learn more.