The Associated Students of the University of Arizona heard some “”fabulous”” presentations about Pride Alliance and Safe Ride.
Jai Smith, co-director of Pride Alliance and sociology senior, gave a presentation to ASUA while dressed as a woman.
“”I wanted to share with everyone what Pride Alliance has done for this campus for the spring semester as well as what we plan to do in the future,”” Smith said.
Smith provided senators with an informational sheet on some of Pride Alliance’s accomplishments, which include coordinating six interns, creating new positions, several campaign projects, a Day of Silence event and a Second Chance Prom.
“”We also did something called Queer the Census because right now there is no actual census question about sexual orientation or gender expression,”” Smith said.
Pride Alliance passed out 50 stickers to UA students and staff in an initiative to encourage queer people to fill out and mail the Census.
“”You look fabulous,”” Sen. Tyler Quillin said to Smith, followed by laughter from the senate and crowd. “”This is amazing and I am astounded at the level of dedication that you and Pride Alliance have.””
SafeRide administrative director and mechanical engineering senior Scott K. Zimmerman gave a presentation on SafeRide’s achievements during the 2009-10 academic school year.
“”At this time, the main issue is safety, so we have the mission of transporting people with the mission of safety,”” Zimmerman said.
SafeRide’s main goals for next academic year include increasing visibility, improving the service and increasing their operational efficiency, while decreasing the cost.
“”With our budget cuts this year, there were things that we had to re-direct to best service students,”” Zimmerman said. “”I’ve been in SafeRide since I was a freshman, and I’m a senior now, and this is the best relationship SafeRide has had with ASUA senate that I know of.””
SafeRide will be available for pre-session until June 5, Zimmerman said.
“”Gas prices have been kept low this year, so we’ve been able to save some money in other areas, but we can’t commit to Summer I because it runs into the next fiscal year,”” Zimmerman said.
The senate struck Administrative Vice President-elect Brett Ponton’s item, to make bylaw changes.
Sen. James Brooks moved to approve the consent agenda, which allocated about $4,591 out of the requested $20,535 for club funding.
ASUA President Chris Nagata gave his president’s privilege report before the meeting adjourned.
“”From the president cabinet side, we’re still working strong on Proposition 100,”” Nagata said. “”We will be pushing the vote by mail and other initiatives to make sure we’re doing everything we can possibly do to support and get this initiative passed. It’s so crucial to our university and education.””