Although wildly popular in other countries and a symbol of righteousness in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, pomegranates are out of favor in America in their natural form.
It’s no wonder few people have tried this messy fruit. Unattractive and lumpy on the outside, the inside contains a fun conglomeration of blood red, jewel-like seeds that will definitely stain your skin and clothing.
There are different ways to eat pomegranates: You can slice one in half and soak it in water until the crunchy seeds fall out, you can spoon the seeds out or you can just pick them out with your fingers. The best part is once you’ve removed enough seeds, you can pour the remaining juice into your mouth.
It’s delicious, sweet and slightly tart. Perhaps this is why many people bypass the sloppy fruit and reach for the POM pomegranate juice – similar taste, less hassle.