Sniffed out
Three UA students were diverted to the Dean of Students Office for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia on Oct. 3 at 8:37 p.m.
A resident assistant called University of Arizona Police Department officers after noticing a strong scent of marijuana coming from a student’s room.
When officers knocked on the door, a UA student opened the door, but told officers he did not live there. The student who did live in the room came up behind him and told the officers they could come in.
The students inside were hesitant to say whether or not they had marijuana, and asked officers what would happen if they said they did not have any. An officer said he would get a search warrant because the strong smell of marijuana coming from the room proved there was some in there.
The students admitted they did have marijuana, but said they had smoked it all. They gave the officer an empty plastic bag, a purple glass pipe and a cigarette replica pipe. They also handed officers a blue and yellow glass pipe and a metal grinder with 0.9 grams of marijuana inside.
Officers searched the room for other illegal drug paraphernalia, but didn’t find anything.
The students were referred to the Dean of Students Offices for diversion.
Creeper status
A UA student called UAPD, on Oct. 1 at 3:57 p.m., to report a “creepy” note left on her windshield while she was in class.
She told officers over the phone that she had left her car in a campus parking surface lot while attending class from 9:05 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
When she came back to her car, she found a note on her windshield that she was “creeped out” by. The note said, “I saw you park this morning and your [sic] amazing to watch.”
The student said she was not scared for her life and did not feel that she was in any kind of danger.
However, she wanted the note officially documented by UAPD in case she got any other notes or something happened to her or her car.
The student said she will not park in that lot-specific zone anymore and will find another place where her permit allows her to park.
– Follow Micah Montiel @MicahMontiel