So, I see that you’re reading a book. What do you have there?
I’m reading “”Jurassic Park”” by Michael Crichton.
Do you like dinosaurs?
I love dinosaurs.
What’s your favorite dinosaur?
The Tyrannosaurus rex because it has those little stubby arms.
Do you think they’re still an effective predator?
Yeah, because they’re monstrous. They can just gobble up the little dinosaurs.
Is the book different from the movie?
Yeah, at the beginning, there’s this little girl who gets eaten by the Procompsognathus, which are the really tiny ones.
Isn’t that in the movie version of “”The Lost World?””
Yeah, they stole it from themselves. The book’s really good though. I usually hate reading, but this one has so much science and lots of dinosaurs in it.
What’s the best part of the movie?
The best part is when Lex and Tim are in the car, and the lawyer wimps out on them. The T-rex breaks through his fence and sees Tim’s flashlight, and then, RAWR!, comes through the glass ceiling of the-ir car. It’s so epic; I love it.
If you were going to be a dinosaur, what color would you be?
Well, my favorite color is blue, but I’d have to be a tannish-brown dino because if I was a blue dinosaur, all the other ones would go after me. I’d have to blend.
Would you be a veggie-saurus or a meat-a-saurus?
I would be a meat-a-saurus. I’d rather eat all the other dinos than plants and trees.
Who wouldn’t?
— Zachary Smith