Pima Community College West Campus located on the corner of Anklam Road and Greasewood Road, on Feb. 9, 2007. Transfer students from PCC have a variety of resources to help them transition at the UA.
Transferring to the UA is an exciting time. You’ve completed your AGEC credits at another college, and now you’re ready to focus on your major’s requirements. You also probably have mixed feelings and worries about the transition from community college to the UA.
My first semester entering the university was an eye-opener for sure. Before arriving, I attended Pima Community College, where I went to my classes and hardly talked to my peers because I knew I probably wouldn’t see them after that semester.
However, once you’re in your major courses, you will notice you see almost everyone again each semester until they graduate or you graduate. This gives you the opportunity to build relationships with colleagues, and pretty soon, they’ll become your second family. Plus, you’re majoring in the same field.
Since you will be focusing more on your major’s courses, you’ll notice that there are classes that only have 20 to 30 students. It’s very familiar to the community college setting. Not all of your classes will be in the same area. Sometimes, you’ll have to walk across campus. Make sure to pick classes that will give you enough time to travel.
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If you’re accustomed to creating a schedule where each class is back-to-back, I’m sorry to say that it, most likely, will not happen every semester. Your time between classes may be an hour to three hours. It’s always good to plan accordingly. Studying during those long breaks is always a good idea.
Something I had to adjust to is the daily use of D2L. In community college, you rely heavily on printing papers and turning in assignments in person. Once I started here, that process changed. All my professors emphasized how PowerPoints, homework, in-class assignments and quizzes would be on D2L.
This took time for me to adjust to. Make sure to bring your laptops or tablets and chargers to every class. You risk being lost on classwork if you don’t.
The stereotype of university professors is that they are strict and could care less about their students. This is so not true. Most professors care deeply about who you are, your goals, what you want to learn and they are more than willing to help you out if you need it. Take advantage of their office hours. Even if you don’t need help, it’s always a good idea to see them and chat with them about their career and advice on how you can succeed in your future. This is beneficial if they work in the same field that you’re majoring in.
After orientation, if you’re still struggling to survive your first few weeks or months adjusting, it would be a great idea to utilize the Transfer Student Center as much as you need during your first semester here. They can help you if you’re completely lost on where things are, if you need to contact a certain employee or office or if you just want to socialize and meet other transfer students. They host a variety of events every month exclusive to transfers.
During your time here at the UA, visit your adviser as often as you need. They are here to help you plan what courses you need to take and when they need to be taken. They will answer any questions you need. No question or concern is dumb. If you’re unsure, ask. Don’t feel ashamed that you don’t know what you’re doing or you’re having trouble with the transition.
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Transitioning is never an easy move. It takes time, but you will adjust. Remember that others who are transferring are probably feeling the exact same way.
Hopefully these tips help you during this exciting time in your life. Congratulations on becoming a part of the Wildcat family. Bear down!
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