Ratatat's new album, Magnifique, comes out July 17.
Ratatat, the electro-rock band from New York City, is coming to the Rialto Theater today, Sept. 21. Most people don’t recognize Ratatat by its name but have definitely heard its music before.
I know I had a hard time deciding whether or not this show was worth going to. I like their music, and seeing a live band is always cool, but it is also on a Monday night, and means I would have to sacrifice a few bucks.
To help me decide, I asked Paul Houston, a freshman studying electrical engineering at the UA; Serina Martinez, a sophomore studying psychology, and Cole Ellingsberg, a freshman studying architecture.
What is Ratatat’s sound?
Online, Ratatat is often described as an electro-rock band that utilizes the simplicity in rhythm and electronic instrumentation.Paul Houston agreed, writing, “Ratatat’s sound is characterized by a light, playful electric guitar sound with a synthesizer backing. They have no vocalist and rely on the synth to set the mood of each song.”
Cole Ellingsberg also added that, “it’s slow enough that it’s relaxing, but at the same time they have a lot of repeating beats that make it fun to listen to.
What to expect from them live:
Although none of these interviewees have seen Ratatat live, they all said that they would like to.
“I would love to go to a concert of theirs. I could definitely imagine a great show!” wrote Serina Martinez. She went on to explain that she has been a fan of Ratatat for quite some time now.
Paul added, “I’m expecting a cool jam session with lots of flashing lights.” This implies the Ratatat show may be a bit more personal than your average concert. But I guess there is only one way to find out.
What kind of atmosphere does Ratatat fit?
Ellingsberg explained that “their music is nice to listen to when you’re working or studying. It’s not the type of music you listen to over and over to memorize, it’s just kind of there.”
Martinez agreed and wrote, “It’s perfect for car rides.”
This makes me wonder if Ratatat’s show is going to be worth seeing as they seem to be playing background music.
“However, it is easy to see that they are having trouble staying original while making new albums,” Houston said. Ouch.
So not only is Ratatat’s music mostly played for background, but its songs are all starting to sound similar according to Paul Houston.
Ratatat will be playing today, Sept. 21, at the Rialto Theater. Tickets can be found online.
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