Alexandra Giroux / Arizona Daily Wildcat
There is a time and a place for thigh-high fishnets, and it is absolutely Halloween.
It’s that glorious night for college girls to take on any type of costume and show as much skin as possible.
But why do we dress this way?
For most of the girls that will be running around with lingerie and cat ears on, it could be their only night to be excused (if you will) for giving the impression that they might be a streetwalker, and perhaps an expensive one at that.
In their daily life, they have morals, they dress accordingly. It’s the average girl, who just happens to have a killer bod, that people haven’t really noticed before.
Sometimes it just feels right to slip on some lingerie and animal ears for a night. Then, when someone asks you what you are, the obvious response will be clear: “I’m a mouse, duh!”
Happy Halloween, and go get ‘em, girls.
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