Jimmy Cracovaner of Triple Double rocks out on his guitar. The band, which describes its sound as a blend of soul, funk, reggae and the blues, plays Club Congress on April 9.
Local band Triple Double describes itself as a “”soul-soothing, funky reggae blues party,”” and the phrase is spot on. What started as jam sessions between two brothers has grown into a collection of musicians who consistently deliver rocking tunes and solid grooves.
The Triple Double journey starts with brothers Jimmy and Tom Cracovaner, who’ve been jamming since they were little. A few years ago, they looked to their long-time friend Preston Winter to form a trio with his bass guitar skills. The inclusion of Connor Clowers on trumpet, Alex Sandweiss on piano and Alex Van Slyke on saxophone expanded the band from a blues-rock trio to a sextet musical powerhouse.
But rest assured that the six of them don’t just stand on stage and try to look cool; they don’t need to. Their live shows are a testament to the pride they take in their music.
“”It’s something that we love to do and we’re very passionate about it,”” said Jimmy Cracovaner.
So how do they all work together? Tom keeps the drum beats going and contributes vocals while Winter’s low-end grooves lay a steady foundation for the madness that is Jimmy’s guitar playing. Some funky fretwork and feats of virtuosity (playing guitar behind his head) are assured highlights of their show.
Throw in Sandweiss’ impressive keyboard work (he does a mean cover of “”Crazy Train””), smooth it out with Clowers’ and Van Slyke’s horns and it’s an impressive combination that sounds great without being overwhelming.
They’ve been entertaining clubs and concert venues for a while, but are now eager to release their second album, Five Twenty, April 9. And if their album is as exciting as their live performances, then it will not disappoint.
More than just a play on the Tucson area code, the album title comes from the Cracovaners’ time growing up in Tucson. “”We draw some of our influence from the desert and Tucson,”” said the brothers.
Triple Double’s Five Twenty release party is April 9 at Club Congress, 311 E. Congress St. Tickets are $5 and include a copy of the album. It’s an all ages show featuring local acts R’Cougar and Rich Hopkins, and begins at 8 p.m. More information can be found at the band’s Web site, www.tripledoubleband.com.