Bands on UA Mall not music to readers’ ears
The Mall is always a fun place to hang out at lunch and enjoy the music playing, if it is easy on the ears. I don’t believe that the music played here at the UA is as good or varied as one would hope. On Jan. 20, there was a rock band who was playing songs by other well known bands such as Avenged Sevenfold and System of a Down. No offense, but their remake of “”Unholy Confessions”” was a sad thing to hear. A7X is my favorite band and to have their song being played and sung that way made me want to run away while covering my ears. This is just one example of the music being booked on the Mall. I, along with other students, would like to hear better bands being booked to play on the Mall. There are many talented local bands here in Tucson that would love an opportunity to play there, many of which include UA students. I also believe that other, different bands should play at Centennial Hall as well. The Fray is a good band, but more variety would be great for all the students who have diverse music interests. Music is a big part of everyone’s lives here on campus. I believe that having more good music brought to the UA would make students’ lives a little better.
—Melody AgosttiniFreshman
Wet Tusconan waxes poetic
Got irritated with Tucson streets and wrote a little ditty:Water, water everywhere and not a gutter to fill …Oh Tucson, your primitive plan leaves a lake after every hill.We’ll have no rain for months and then one soggy day,Our parched desert roads will turn into a water way.It only takes one lesson on the corner to realize,The people standing farther back are all of the more wise.For young drivers like to see, as the depth begins to grow,Just how many and how far the tire’s spray can go.And your potholes, oh your potholes, let’s not get me started.You’d think our tax money would fill in where asphalt has departed.And as the right lane stream turns into a torrent of white water,Lingering thoughts of a clean car instantly are slaughtered.But no excuses you sissy drivers who fear a bit of rain,This five miles an hour thing is making me go insane.I ponder all these things as I watch Sixthth Street flow on by,And with typical AZ weather — there’s not even a cloud in the sky.While the gushing city road fills up where normal gutters lack,The only main thought through my head is — where is my kayak?—Callie DaviesSenior
‘Climategate report may have been false; global warming isn’t,’ Jan. 29
It seems to me that Andrew Busch is not so much defending the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as he is defending his opinion on climate change. Whether you “”believe in”” global warming, which is a strange term to use for a scientific debate to begin with, or not, the fact is that our climate is changing. Whether it turns out that this whole idea of global warming is a political falicy, or whether it turns out to be true, the one thing we can trust is the pattern that the Earth has followed for 5 billion years — climate is variable. With this knowledge, it seems to me that preparing for a possible global warming scenario is one of the brightest things we can do. Whether it occurs now, in the near future, or 200 years from now, what’s the problem with facing it now? It may be expensive and political, but in the long run, if the Earth’s climate does begin to take a turn for the worst, we can be prepared for it. The idea that we shouldn’t combat probable challenges and that we should just deal with it in the future is one of the major reasons for some serious global crises, case and point: the mayhem in Haiti and the war in Afghanistan.
I think the author presented and defended his point as best as possible in 700 words. Find the research to negate his point and you can defend your own. Otherwise, the author wrote a typical, well-written opinion piece that I will probably read again next week.