Today, July 6
Exhibit. The Pulp Truths series is now on display at the Student Union Memorial Center. The Pulp Truths series communicates an outsider’s view of the fashion and beauty industry. The art comments on the industry’s self-ascribed sexual vigor, youthful perfection, affluence, status and the exaggeration of the disdain of the industry, according to the SUMC Web site. Shadowbox. Student Union Memorial Center. July 5 to Aug. 15
Exhibit. There is an old saying, “”Those who can, do. Those who cannot, teach.”” In an attempt to counter this adage, a group of artists are presenting the exhibit “”I Can, I Do, I Teach.”” The work of these practicing artists, who have a passion for not only creating but also teaching the visual arts, will be on display until Aug. 15. Kachina Lounge and Gallery. Student Union Memorial Center. July 5 to Aug. 15
Doctoral oral defense. Come listen to the defense of Yu Cai’s plant science dissertation titled, “”Molecular Characterization of Mop2, a Gene Required for Epigenetic Silencing.”” 9 a.m. Forbes building, Room 307
Monday, July 10
Summer session II. Today is the first day of classes for the second summer session 2006.
Doctoral oral defense. Jane Kirrily Kay will be defending her animal science dissertation titled, “”Effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Lipid Metabolism and Energy Balance in Dairy Cows.”” 8 a.m. Shantz building, Room 213