Trending Up:The “”Twilight Saga: Eclipse””: The latest film offering of the wildly popular series opened at the top of the box office with almost $70 million in weekly gross. Psychic Octopi: An octopus named Paul at an aquarium in Germany has correctly predicted the results of every German match at the World Cup thus far, proving once and for all that mind trumps matter, regardless of how many limbs you have. Pamela Gorman: This Arizona congressional candidate got her slice of internet fame when her campaign ad, featuring her and her son taking target practice in the desert, which included Gorman herself firing a Thompson “”Tommy”” submachine gun, went viral. Not bad given the lack of “”Star Wars””, German synth-pop or laughing babies.
Trending Down:The American Film Industry: The “”Twilight Saga: Eclipse”” is the #1 movie in the nation while M. Night Shyamalan’s “”The Last Airbender”” is #2 with over $40 million at the box office. Senate Bill 1070: The United States Justice Department announced its long-expected legal challenge to Arizona’s controversial immigration law, three months after Arizona announced it would join the suit against the federal government challenging the recent health care bill. British Petroleum (BP): There was a board game made in the 1970s called “”BP Offshore Oil Strike”” which features players trying to strike it rich in the oil game while occasionally having to deal with oil spills of their own in an eerie parallel to the current spill. The cleanup bill for an oil spill in the game: $1 million. The cleanup costs of BP so far: $3 billion and counting. The German Soccer Team: Paul the octopus picked them to lose.