Lisa Beth Earle
Lisa Beth Earle/ Arizona Daily Wildcat Brazen Stir band members chill-out next to life-sized cut-outs of Smokey the Bear, President Obama and Marilyn Monroe which are always present during their rehearsals in their basement studio.
Local band Brazen Stir has played at numerous venues around town, including this year’s Club Crawl. Their album will release with a bang at O’Malleys on Friday.
The quintet has been playing together for about a year and a half. The band, once known as Ethos, changed their name to be less cliché, and to set themselves apart from another band of the same name that released an album on iTunes.
Brazen Stir isn’t something you hear every day. The sound is unique, a smorgasbord of each member’s favorite style.
“”It’s hard to put a finger on our sound because we all listen to various forms of music,”” said Darius Artiola, the lead singer of the band. “”Individually we all listen do different forms and it translates to our music.””
From bluesy, jazz guitar licks to new age, hard-hitting, driven beats, the band definitely has a sound all its own. Bassist Kyle Craft started as a guitarist and his playing is more melodic.
The music is a very mixed form.
“”I guess you could maybe call it groove rock,”” Artiola said.
For a group that started playing in their room “”screwing around with chords,”” according to Artioloa, they seem to be making music that is catching the ear of Tucsonans.
“”My favorite thing about thing about music is the release, I love performing,”” Artiola said. “”There’s just something about it that’s very pure and spontaneous. I enjoy it most when it’s chaotic and doesn’t make sense.””
Their CD release party is at O’Malleys on Friday at 9 p.m and is 21+. The $6 cover includes a copy of the new album.