Madeleine Viceconte
A circus-themed act performs at the tenth annual Tucson Festival of Books on Saturday March 10. The festival has more than just books and provided entertaining performances for children all day.
Debating whether or not you should go to the Tucson Festival of Books? Well, I’m here to help! Here are my top seven reasons why you should absolutely go to this annual book celebration:
1. Kick off spring break!
With the festival taking place the weekend before spring break, it gives students the chance to start things off on a fun note! If you find yourself free and wondering what to do right before you leave town or get lost doing whatever you have planned for the break, spend it at the festival! Bring friends! Bring family! Meet new people! The social opportunities are endless.
2. Meet and hear awesome authors speak
The Tucson Festival of Books provides visitors with an array of panels and workshops where they can hear writers from different genres share insight and their work. Last, year Jenna Fischer, aka Pam from “The Office,” was there promoting her book!
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3. Get information
One awesome thing about the Tucson Festival of Books is the different types of tables there are. Last year, there were tables with information on This Is Tucson and on joining Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Arizona. So not only do you get to be around books, you get to be around some community organizations and groups that inform you on what’s going on. It’s a cool way to get plugged into Tucson.
4. Food vendors galore
There’s an assortment of food vendors there! Based on the collection of trucks that were there last year, the one I was the most excited to hear about was Brushfire BBQ. So if you come to the festival on an empty stomach, fear not! You have delicious choices to choose from to satisfy that hunger as you enjoy your literature-filled day.
5. Speaking of literature … BOOKS
One of my favorite parts of the festival was the book tents! Inside each was a mini-bookstore setup, an assortment of titles sitting on shelves waiting to be purchased by book lovers alike. What really caught my eye were the prices. If not all, most of the books were $5. That made my wallet and book collecting habit very happy.
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6. Enjoy the beauty of the campus without the stress
Stress can often cloud our vision and steer us away from seeing how gorgeous our campus is. Coming to campus and taking in the scenery without having to be here for academic reasons is so relieving.
I had the pleasure of attending the festival before I became a Wildcat, so in the midst of applying for graduate programs, this event gave me the chance to explore the grounds. It was definitely a nice introduction to the university. With the Tucson Festival of Books taking place the weekend before spring break, it’s a great way to unwind and take advantage of the vast beauty our campus offers.
7. Fall in love with reading … again!
The Tucson Festival of Books gives people the chance to focus on one of the most insightful ways we can spend our time: by reading. In a world where we see people with phones in their hands more than books (trust me, as a book-lover I fall victim to this as well), it’s nice to go back to basics and be in a setting that celebrates it. I’d definitely recommend this event to those who miss reading and want to get back to doing it again. This will put you in a fresh mindset as you explore the wonders of storytelling once more.
And that’s it! Hopefully, these reasons will motivate you to check out this year’s annual Tucson Festival of Books! Make sure to check it out on March 2 through 3 here at the University of Arizona!
Ambur Wilkerson is a graduate student in the University of Arizona School of Journalism.