Selena Quintanilla
Early voting Pima County members wait in line to cast their vote in at the ASUA office on Friday, Nov. 4, 2016. Michael Finnegan, ASUA president mentioned that the office had been opened for the past week for citizens to vote early.
Arizona voters who registered to vote online, by mail or in-person before Oct. 9 are eligible to vote in the November elections.
Voters in Pima County have three options on how to cast their ballots. Voters can vote by mail, on election day at a polling station or in-person at an early voting location.
RELATED: Voting in Arizona: Know your rights
Voting at an Early Voting Location
Starting Oct. 10, a number of early voting locations will open around Pima County where voters can go and cast their ballots before Nov. 6.
One such polling location will be at the University of Arizona. Every weekday from Oct. 15 to Nov. 2, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., voters will be able to cast their ballot in the Associated Students of the University of Arizona’s offices located on the third floor of the Student Union Memorial Center.
A full list of Pima County’s 12 early voting stations can be found online or by contacting the Pima Country Recorder’s Office. The latest early voting locations remain open until Nov. 3.
Pima County and Tucson provide voters a number of opportunities for registered citizens to vote.
Voting by Mail
Voters have until Oct. 26 to request an early voting ballot be mailed to their address. Voters can request an early ballot online, by calling the Pima Country Recorders office at (520) 724-4330 or by mail.
Voters on the permanent early voting list will automatically be sent a mail-in ballot. Voters can choose to opt in for the permanent early voting list when registering to vote or by completing an additional form found online.
Once voters complete, seal and sign their ballots, they can drop their ballots in the mail for free. In order to ensure a ballot is counted, after Nov. 1 voters are recommended to bring their ballots to an early voting location or a polling station, along with valid form of identification, instead of mailing them in.
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Voting on Election Day
Voters can vote by going to the polls on Election Day, Nov. 6, from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Voters can find their designated polling station online or by contacting the Pima Country Recorders office.
When voting on election day, voters are required to present at least one valid form of identification. Voters must show an Arizona driver’s license, tribal enrollment card or valid government identification which displays both the name and address of the voter.
If voters do not have any identification that meets the above requirements, voters can produce two other forms of identification to vote. These include: a voter registration card, a recent bank statement, a recent utility bill or a tax statement. The full list of acceptable identification can be found online or by contacting the Pima Country Recorder’s Office.
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