Wednesday, Sept. 30″”Read Out!”” What’s your favorite banned book? Do your tastes run more to, say, “”I Know Where the Caged Bird Sings”” or “”Where’s Waldo?”” Campus and community members are invited to read passages from their favorite “”challenged”” books. (We don’t recommend trying to read from “”Where’s Waldo?””) Preceded by a viewing of the documentary short “”Writers and Censorship.”” 6 p.m. UA Main Library, lobby. Free. Jolie Holland. This Texan singer is said to blend elements of folk, country, jazz and blues. Why doesn’t she make up her mind already? With Matt Bauer. All ages. 7 p.m. Club Congress, 311 E. Congress St. $13 in advance; $15 day of show. “”Zombieland.”” A special pre-release screening of a horror comedy that involves Twinkies, the one thing in the world scarier than zombies. (Would you rather be surrounded by zombies or told you could only eat Twinkies for the rest of your life? We thought so.) 7 p.m. Student Union Memorial Center, Gallagher Theater. Passes available from the Student Union Games Room or the Gallagher Theater box office. Thursday, Oct. 1UA Philharmonic Orchestra. Everyone had to start somewhere, and Ludwig van Beethoven began writing symphonies with his rather predictably titled “”Symphony No. 1.”” Strangely, his titles never got much better, even though his music did. Richard Wagner’s “”Rienzi”” overture and Michael Hunt’s “”Emerald Reflections”” will also be performed. Call Ingvi Kallen at 626-6320 for more information. 7:30 p.m. School of Music, Crowder Hall. $5. Author Readings. Robert Boswell, author of “”The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards,”” and Antonya Nelson, author of “”Talking in Bed,”” will read. Don’t worry, though — it’s by no means clear that the heyday of the insensitive bastard is over. 8 p.m. UA Poetry Center. Free. Friday, Oct. 2Wines and Felines. Awww. Proceeds from this wine-tasting event will go to benefit the Hermitage Cat Shelter. Awww. Sorry, we just read the name of the event again. Call 571-7839, ext. 3, for more information. 5 p.m. Pastiche, 3025 N. Campbell Ave. $25, reservations requested. “”I-10 Trombone Conspiracy.”” No, this isn’t one of those conspiracy movies. Instead, this Faculty Artist Series trombone recital features UA trombone professor Moisés Paiewonsky and UA alumnus Mike Wilkinson. Please don’t go up and ask them if they’re part of the trombone conspiracy. 7:30 p.m. School of Music, Crowder Hall. $5. Saturday, Oct. 3Fall Club Crawl. It only happens twice a year, so don’t miss it! (Well, technically, fall club crawl only happens once a year. But you know what we mean.) Visit for more information and a complete list of the bands. 21+. Doors open at 7 p.m. Downtown, on several outdoor stages. Tickets are $8 in advance; $10 day of show. The Ultimate Doo-Wop Show. From “”Under the Boardwalk”” to “”Do You Love Me,”” this show’s got it all. Unless you don’t like doo-wop. 8 p.m. Centennial Hall. Tickets available from; ticket prices for students begin at $15, faculty and staff are elligible for other discounts. Sunday, Oct. 4Indian Classical Music. Did listening to those Beatles remasters pique your long-dormant interest in the music of India? Or are you one of those people who always skips the George Harrison songs? If you’re not, your prayers have been answered. Violinist Kala Ramnath and tabla player Ty Burhoe will perform. 7 p.m. Arizona State School for the Deaf and the Blind, 1200 W. Speedway Blvd. $15 in advance; $18 at the door. Monday, Oct. 5The Almost. Did you ever wonder if bands were going to run out of random words to name themselves? I’m afraid this Clearwater, Fla., band took the last word. Tough luck. With This Providence and The Dares. All ages. The show begins at 6:30 p.m. Club Congress, 311 E. Congress St. $14. “”America Betrayed.”” A documentary that examines the safety of our infrastructure, from bridges to highways, and questions how safe we are. For some reason, I’m betting the documentary doesn’t conclude “”We’re all quite safe. Now run home and get to bed and forget all about this unpleasant business.”” 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering building, Room S202. Free.Grupo Sonido. See, this is what happens when bands run out of real words. They start making up words. 9:30 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. Plush Lounge. No cover.Tuesday, Oct. 6″”Girl, Interrupted.”” This 1999 film is being shown as part of Mental Health Awareness Movie Night. It’s rather poignant that this movie is being billed in UANews as “”an Academy Award-winning movie with actress Angelina Jolie,”” since the movie actually stars Winona Ryder. Poor Winona. (If you’re reading this, don’t worry; I still love you.) 6 p.m. Student Union Memorial Center, Gallagher Theatre. Free.Mark Mallman. This singer hails from Minneapolis, Minn. No word on whether all his songs contain nothing but words that begin with the letter M. 9:30 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. Plush Lounge. No cover. — compiled by Justyn Dillingham