Snails have teeth.
Impotence is grounds for divorce in 24 states.
According to one study, 24 percent of Iowans have some sort of lawn ornament in their yard.
New Hampshire license plates have the slogan “”Live free or die”” stamped onto them by state prison inmates.
Peruvians eat about 65 million guinea pigs each year.
An 1860 ad for the Pony Express read: “”Wanted: Young, skinny, wiry fellows not over 18. Must be expert riders willing to risk death daily. Orphans preferred.””
Queen Elizabeth II was Time magazine’s “”Man of the Year”” for 1952.
The average American eats 82 pounds of chicken a year.
If your stomach didn’t produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks, it would digest itself.
Denmark has the highest income tax in the world, as high as 52.6 percent.
Each year Harvard University denies admission to an estimated 80 percent of the high school valedictorians who apply.
In 1995, personal computers outsold televisions in the United States, and the number of e-mail messages exceeded stamped letters.
Shakespeare’s love sonnet “”Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day…”” was addressed to a young man.
Hostess Twinkies are 68 percent air.
It is estimated that you’ll walk more than 65,000 miles in your lifetime.