Amy Johnson
Amy Johnson/The Daily Wildcat
What’s your favorite drink to make?
I like Bloody Marys. They’re my favorite to drink.
What’s your least favorite drink to make?
Probably martinis. It’s just what you get a feel for. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a really good feel for a martini.
What’s one of the more memorable customers that you’ve had?
I had a guy in here last week who claimed to be a millionaire and stuff. I didn’t really believe him, but then he tipped me like $100. He handed me a $100 bill and I was like, “Thanks, man.” That was really cool.
Strangest thing you’ve ever seen happen in a bar?
Back when I was working the front door, and I had two guys come in that looked like they were just typical college students. … They worked out a whole bunch and wore snazzy clothes and they were real assholes. … I thought I was going to have to get violent with them, but once we got outside away from all the customers they turned into total sweethearts and they were like, “Hey, when do you get off? I’ll buy you a drink and stuff.” It was really weird.
As a customer, how can I make your job easier?
There’s a million things to make a bartender’s job easier. Easiest ones are just like, if we’re busy, and we got a bunch of people to serve, just know what you want when you get here. But if you don’t know what you want, just take a step back and let us serve other people.
What can I do to piss you off?
Don’t tip.
Is there a drinking trend you notice that you would like to see go away?
The 21st birthday thing is kind of a pain in the ass. If you do it right you’re fine, but those guys that just … walk in and they’re like, “Hey, do you get a free shot for your birthday?” and you say, “No,” and then they just walk out … If you have a friend who’s turning 21, take him out, but teach him how to do it right.