Alex McIntyre
A University of Arizona Police Department officer makes a call while standing by near the Koffler building on the UA campus. The officers were responding to a dead body found near the building.
A University of Arizona Police Department officer responded to Arbol de la Vida Residence Hall around 3 p.m. on Sept. 9 in reference to a man and woman roughhousing four nights prior.
According to the resident assistant, the two students involved were roughhousing and having fun when the man accidentally hit the woman in the chest.
The man informed police that, on the night of the incident, he was walking from his room to the showers wearing only a towel.
It was at that time the woman involved began chasing him, trying to grab his towel with no real intention of taking it off.
He ran into the bathroom and the woman followed him in. When she attempted to grab his towel once more, the man stuck his arm out and unintentionally struck the woman in her sternum.
The man told police none of the parties involved were in a relationship and he did not want to press charges since he and the woman were close enough friends where this would not be unusual.
The woman corroborated the man’s story and also stated she did not want to press charges, adding that the incident was not reported at the time because she didn’t realize her chest was hurt.
Both parties were advised this behavior was not acceptable and the resident assistant would watch for any further issues.
Third time’s a charm
While working a special detail, two UAPD officers noticed an intoxicated man wearing an orange shirt and having trouble walking around midnight on Sept. 9 outside Coronado Residence Hall.
The man had red, watery eyes, slurred speech and smelled strongly of intoxicants.
Police asked the man how much he’d had to drink and the man responded he drank too much.
He went on to tell them he was a resident in Coronado. Police assisted him to his room, where his roommate said he would watch over him for the night, advising the man of the diversion process.
Half an hour later, police were called back to Coronado in reference to the same man falling down and bleeding.
Upon their arrival, a resident assistant informed police the student had fallen down and his nose started bleeding. Police saw the bathroom and noted there was extensive cleanup necessary due to vomit and blood splattered all over the floor and walls.
Police contacted the man in his room. He refused medical attention and told them he just wanted to go to sleep.
The officers informed the resident assistant to call back if the man continued to act out and was being a problem.
Fifteen minutes later, the resident assistant called police to inform them the man was being aggressive and yelling at people.
Upon their third arrival, police informed the man he was now being placed under arrest for minor in possession since he was being aggressive with residents and had to have police return twice due to his behavior.
The man was handcuffed, searched and transported to Pima County Jail.
Gimme a Brake
A bicyclist was pulled over for not having a rear red reflector or light and was arrested due to three outstanding misdemeanor warrants Friday, Sept. 29.
While traveling down Sixth Street at 3:21 p.m., an officer noticed a man riding a bike that did not have the proper red safety light or reflector on the back.
The officer turned on his emergency lights, and the bicyclist came to a stop at Sixth Street and Park Avenue.
After informing him of the reason for the stop, the officer ran the bicyclist’s driver’s license through the UAPD dispatch.
Three misdemeanor warrants, one from the Pima County Sheriff’s Office and two from Tucson Police Department, prompted the officer to handcuff the man and then perform a search of his property.
A crystal substance that later tested positive for methamphetamine, a glass pipe, a bong, a digital scale and a piece of tin foil that appeared to have had heroin on it were found in the bicyclist’s black messenger bag.
The man was read his Miranda Rights and transported to the Pima County Adult Detention Center, where he was booked on all three misdemeanor warrants. He was also charged with felony possession of a dangerous drug and felony possession of drug paraphernalia.
His personal belongings and bicycle were placed in UAPD Property and Evidence for safekeeping.
Snapchat Snitch
UAPD got word of a student doing cocaine in his Árbol de la Vida dorm room after he posted a picture to the Coronado Residence Hall Snapchat story on Friday, Sept. 29.
Upon arriving at Árbol, an officer met with the Community Director. The community director received an email from a residence assistant with photos of a resident’s video post. The first screenshot, titled “Lines with a view,” showed a laptop with a white powdery substance formed into a line. The second picture captured the view from the window.
Both photos were sent to the RA from another resident.
Using the Snapchat username, the officer and community director were able to find a student with the same last name. The student was in a room that had a view facing Coronado, the same view from the window in the screenshot.
The officer went to the room and talked to the student, noting the same view and laptop from the photos.
When asked what his username on Snapchat was, he showed the officer it was the same as in the screenshots. The officer continued, telling the student about the photos of what appeared to be cocaine.
The student admitted that the substance was actually Adderall. He explained that he had two papers due the next day and a friend suggested he take the drug to stay awake.
He made the post appear to look like cocaine on purpose. According to the student, cocaine seemed to be a popular drug of choice around college and part of his intention was to be accepted into the crowd.
The student had a prescription for Adderall in the past but did not have one at the time of the incident.
When the officer looked inside the student’s backpack, he found a pill capsule in a bag and a straw with white residue at the ends. These were placed into UAPD property as evidence.
The officer informed the student that he would be forwarding a Code of Conduct to the Dean of Students.
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