Jesus Barrera
Physiology major Aishwarya Karlapudi, left, and business and management major Winkfield Twyman, right, spend their afternoon sitting on the grass outside the Arizona State Museum. Summer provides the ideal time — and maybe the only sufficient amount of time — for students to relax.
There are many ways students choose to spend their summers. This time could be spent lounging around and binge watching Netflix all day, or catching up on as much sleep as possible. Summer is every student’s time to detoxify from the stress of the prior semester; the time of year we all look forward to. Have fun and enjoy yourself, but please, be careful and don’t do anything reckless.
Students should take this opportunity to spend as much quality time with their family and friends as possible, as they can be major support systems. They help keep us grounded and enjoy life responsibly. Plan a family barbecue or have a pool party. Visit your grandparents and relatives as much as possible. Help them out with housework, learn about their history, or just spend time in their presence.
Be adventurous this summer. Take time to go hiking, camping, fishing or any other outdoor activity. Enjoy the scenery wherever you live in exchange for hours of social media or your phone.
If you’re not much of an outdoorsy person, try something new and or out-of-the-box like taking a yoga class, learning how to skateboard, starting to knit or diving into a new language. If you’ve been wanting to learn a new trick, now is your time. New hobbies are a great way to keep busy if you get bored this summer; learning them will give you self-confidence and boost your self-esteem.
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Build your resume this summer. You could volunteer at an animal shelter and take care of stray animals who need the company, love and comfort. Volunteering will help you develop important skills and perhaps provide real-world application of things learned in the classroom — and look great on your resume.
Another way to build your resume is working at a summer camp. You can have fun while being paid. What brings more happiness than seeing children have fun? You’ll learn how to take responsibility, communication skills, how to set limits and much more while doing fun recreational activities. Many of my friends work at youth summer camps, and they love it.
If you’re taking classes, working or have an internship, it’s still okay to celebrate summer. Be sure to plan ahead and make time for summer activities. If you can’t, make the most of your busy life and get excited about the little things like starting a new show on Netflix, or taking a moment to dance to that song on the radio you’re in love with. You can still have fun. It’s all about balance.
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During the summer, it’s like all our senses are heightened. Everyone is a lot happier, the days are longer and it can feel like a party every day. Whatever you choose to do this summer, wear sunscreen and drink plenty of water. Take care of your body through these hot summer days — you don’t want to be in the emergency room with an IV in your arm due to dehydration. Your health and safety is most important, especially during this time of year.
Summer time can be used in a variety of ways. I’m not saying that you have to do these activities, I’m merely suggesting what I think summer should be about. Summer isn’t all about work and school, it’s about having fun and creating memories. Take this time to enjoy life at least a little carefree before returning to the stresses of college.
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