If an average male never shaved, his beard would be 13 feet long the day he died.
The Tin Man’s real name in the Oz books was Nick Chopper.
A typical porcupine has about 30,000 quills.
Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature.
Rowing is the oldest American college sport.
It takes four gallons of seawater to make a pound of salt.
Ninety percent of Americans describe themselves as shy.
The kerosene fungus got its name by eating kerosene and living in jet fuel tanks.
Donkeys kill more people every year than plane crashes do.
Twenty-one percent of U.S. smokers say they don’t believe nicotine is addictive.
The Statue of Liberty’s index finger is eight feet long.
Superglue doesn’t stick to the bottle because it needs moisture to set, and there is no moisture in the bottle.
Mozart wrote a piano piece that required the player to use both hands and his nose.
Toy-breed dogs live an average of seven years longer than large breeds.
Dr. Seuss coined the word “”nerd”” in his 1950 book “”If I Ran the Zoo.””
Winston Churchill refused to drink freshly-squeezed juices.